“Why were you fired from your last job?”
To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...
Ooh, I have four incidences to relate:
And that’s just the beginning of it: “colour” is misspelled throughout, except once. Completely unacceptable.
Great article, I have a lot of issues with WoW and it's ilk, but the reality is that many of my friends have great memories from it, and have met good people, whether or not it was ultimately something that they view as a beneficial part of their lives. It's easy to ignore the positive ways that we grow from seemingly…
I didn't have many real-life friends in high school. I'm pretty sure I heard my WoW name more than my real name in…
I was STRONGLY tempted to lead with it, let me tell you. :D
The dell, the microsoft basic, and the m310 are symmetrical in design. The M510 and the Anker have buttons that position the thumb on the left side of the mouse. Having said that and being left handed, for some reason I always use the mouse on the right side of the desk.
I am a fellow left-hander. I use the M510 with the buttons disabled when I need a wireless mouse, but when I'm at home on my desktop I use a Left-hand Razer Death Adder. It may look ugly (I HATE Razer), but it's specifically left-handed, super accurate, responsive and balanced. Also you can apparently you can get a…
Yep, Instagram doesn't allow any app but its own to upload. Easily the most frustrating thing about the service (closely followed by links that aren't clickable, and a lack of multi-account support).
There's one listed below that has a micro USB connection, rather than the iPad's lightning 8-pin connection. Perhaps that one would work for your tablet.
Just for those who can't figure out: a descant is "a melody or counterpoint accompanying a simple musical theme and usually written above it". I expect our writer means a desiccant, which means a drying agent.
This is all well and good, but it'd be nice to have some options at the $200 and below range. Some of us are still in school :)
"Alright, time to watch a movie! Everyone brought their headphones? I'll get the splitter".
@Captain_Tripps: Are you from the time of the ancient Romans, or ancient Greece? Yeah, you're not. Clothing from the 1980's was tacky as hell, but it was en mode so people wore it. Stop being so goddamn ignorant.
The color? Always something tacky.