so how do i watch live tv in this 'does everything' media centre?
so how do i watch live tv in this 'does everything' media centre?
Ive been using an SSD for 2 years and to be honest there isnt that much noticable difference between an ssd and a fast mechanical drive - at least not that you would notice in day to day operations.
"builds"? you see its already lost my interest when "builds" are mentioned.
yeah i found this too - however it wont let me create an account, the green button is always grayed out
windows 7 media center of course XMBC is the only close alternative but with no Built in TV options then its no good and not a full media center
add him and then kick him a few days later. when he eventually realises you arent friends anymore say it must be some sort of glitch and everytime he tried to friend you kick him. Eventually he will give up.
is this the htpc software that doesnt use tv tuners?
surely if you are not careful and the seed gets covered on all sides by the glue, wont it create a seal that would stop the seed from growing?
you should rename this to "this weeks top apple mobile downloads (with a few token android apps thrown in)"
no i deiberately use this format because its lossless and the files are stored on a server which i access via various windows machines, including my HTPC which runs media center - using a format like flac is a pain in my situation and wav doesnt support metatags.
when they add wma support i might use it
I bought one of these for my desire a few years ago []
do you have to enter a bloody password everytime you look away from the screen still though?
can anyone give me some tips on moving the search location in win 7. I know how im supposed to move it but often when i perform a new intall it just wont save my settings - even when i stop the service
thanks for this, got pop up saying i had the free50gb
ignore me
lol yeah, how many years have people been asking for that with skype saying they wouldnt implement it because it wasnt a feature needed for internet telephony
first one of these ive seen that actually looks both nice and usable
thanks i might look into that, but i recall I tried to install it a while back but i was forced to update to their new messenger which i hate (I'm currently running a very old version)
and the search still doesnt work properly on my computer - support is totally non-existant. I'd use another client if i could find one