Chris Matthews, Chris D’Elia, Chris Jericho, Criss Angel. Lots of Chris’s worse than him, honestly.
Chris Matthews, Chris D’Elia, Chris Jericho, Criss Angel. Lots of Chris’s worse than him, honestly.
Where did you see this debunked? From what I’ve read she is a member of People’s Praise, but some of the reporting on the group itself is (that it’s a Handmaid’s Tale type of organization) a bit hyperbolic.
I read somewhere that Bernie specifically chose her to nominate him. And since this was the only chance she would have to speak at the DNC, I don’t see how she could have passed up the opportunity.
According to that Variety article, as of 2016 he still seemed to think he was the victim because the cop illegally recorded him, so I’m not sure how much he’s really grown. I guess since he’s sober he’s less likely to go on an unhinged tirade but that doesn’t mean he’s confronted his racism and antisemitism. He just…
Let’s not forget the way he amplified Candace Owens’s voice.
Yup. Has anyone asked him what he thought of Candace Owens’s comments about George Floyd? He did more to amplify her voice than anyone else.
I’d argue Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan or Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin would make great choices as well. Both are very popular in their states and would help in the Midwest battleground states. I don’t think Harris is anywhere near a lock. Her past as a prosecutor hurt her during the primary and will get brought up…
On the other hand, they all seemed extremely happy with the end product and expressed genuine affection for Miller, so who knows?
I was shocked to learn that he’s actually only 17 years older than her, which, in the grand scheme of may-december romances, not that wide of a gap. It’s certainly not at Dane Cook levels of creepiness. It’s just that he looks way older than his age and she looks younger.
I’ll happily vote for Warren if she’s the nominee, but her dodginess when it comes to Medicare for All has been discouraging to say the least. She’s still my second choice by a wide margin over the rest of the field.
It’s a silly, regressive term like “Hillbot*.” Why bother with an asterisk when you can just not use it anymore.
I actually agree with most of this. He recently had an acupuncturist on to “debunk” the vegan documentary The Game Changers.
I don’t disagree but they’re supposedly listing the podcasts that “defined” the 2010s, and to act as if Rogan’s isn’t one of the most influential of the past decade, is straight up disingenuous. That goes for Chapo Trap House and Pod Save America as well.
I’m of the opinion that calling something overrated or underrated is an utterly useless critique. You’re basically saying “This movie’s not the best of the decade because too many people liked it!” Okay. That tells us nothing about the movie itself.
Patrick is 63. Not as old as dust, but still not someone I’d consider a “young centrist.”
At a time when there was no young centrist candidates running, who had a proven track record of a statewide victory. Which, if you look at the current crop of likely candidates (Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg and Biden) no one really fits that role.
Lol. You claimed Bernie had done fuck-all. I gave you a single example disproving this (here are more examples, fyi: and you respond to that with word salad made up of unverifiable anecdotes and opinions. Oh you met Bernie once decades ago? That’s great.…
“There was no one who played a more important role than Senator Sanders,” Hawkins says, remembering Sanders’s constant lobbying of other lawmakers to support the funding.
Cool. So he hasn’t just “done fuck all.” Glad we’re in agreement.