
I wish the BBC had done that here in the UK. A lot of people were unaware of Night of the Doctor, and had difficulty working out where Hurt fitted into the timeline.

Agreed. Why they didn't use him for the War Doctor part in the 50th is beyond me.

I just checked, and McCoy regenerates into McGann at just about the 21 minute mark.

It would have been great if Eccleston had done the role - although it would make the seeing his new face for the first time in 'Rose' a bit weird.

Blunt was offered the role, but Fox exercised an contractual option they had to make her do Gulliver's Travels instead of Iron Man 2.

The thing people are making fun of Snyder for is that v and vs are both abbreviations for "versus". Neither is an abbreviation for "verse".

The fact that Anders in DA2 is essentially being inhabited by a ghost, I'm kinda okay with the radical personality change between Awakening and 2.

See, I loved DA2 despite its flaws (and there were a lot of flaws). I found the story far more interesting and nuances than the DA:O story, and I mostly play Bioware games for the characters and story.

That appears to be a list of changes between the 1997 special edition, and the 2004 DVD release. The wampa scene above was indeed added in the 1997 SE and was not in the 1980 theatrical version.

They do more than hint - they outright state it. Not sure they'll ever follow it up, but the short film makes the existence of a "real " Mandarin pretty definite.

Yes - that is what Feige is talking about when her refers to "the fun short that Drew Pearce wrote and directed"

The Defenders is confirmed as a Netflix 'event', not a cinematic release. Can't see Marvel making another one for cinemas that has a bunch of TV exclusive characters.

I think you underestimate the input of George Lucas in The Clone Wars. He was present in the story room for every single episode of the five and a bit seasons. Filoni didn't do a thing without GL's approval, and almost all the story arcs came from Lucas.

And to David Morrisey. And Fairport Convention.

If Chris leaves, I'd be very surprised if they didn't give Sebastian Stan's Bucky the gig as Cap.

Brolin in *voicing* Thanos. The character will be CG - so Serkis could well be doing mocap for it.

Not sure how Peyton's former attachment to FF is a bad thing - his version of the film was never made, and could have been a hell of a lot better than what we got from Tim Story.

If sales figures were a sign of inherent quality, Michael Bay's Transformers would clean up at movie awards.

TBF, it's not a space suit or armour. It's an outfit for working outside on an ice-planet.

Also Eddie Olmos's awesome porn tache.