
"It's a short hand for seeing a character who is all nice and normal in the present had a past as a rebel."

I have to pitch in with the people who think Tracks was a big improvement on PH.

By most accounts, the story for 7-9 was part of the sale of LFL to Disney. Whilst Abrams re-worked the screenplay, I'd be surprised if he was given enough power to kill off a main character if that beat wasn't in Lucas's story drafts.

Nope. 30.

It does beg the question as to whether, if women were more represented, the market for core gaming would increase to include women whose feelings on the subject are stronger than "it would be nice to play more ladies" (i.e. that feel that a lot of gaming is a gated boys club) at the moment.

It's interesting (or at least I thought it was) that Nintendo's digital conference was the only one that revealed games/new characters for games featuring a 50% male/female character split (if we assume that the character in the Zelda reveal was male). None of the other companies (MS, Sony, Ubi and EA) came close to

It would. I was half expecting that to be part of the quiz. :)

Yeah - nailed me correctly as English (England). Interesting quiz.

To be fair, Kathleen Kennedy was running Lucasfilm a good six months before the Disney deal - and before (according to Lucas's time-frame) Lucas approached Disney with the offer to sell.

He is never named in the book. At one point he refers to himself as "the Adam of your labours", which is where the misapprehension probably comes from.

His last performance was Tony in The Imaginarium or Doctor Parnassus. So yes, Joker was indeed his penultimate role.

I was referring to the circle pad pro XL (at the end of the previous post)

You can get them on Amazon if you need one.

I quite liked the first ep (not the film). But yeah - I, yeah fair, didn't find its groove for quite a while.

What worries me is that he also hated Clone Wars.

I've always been baffled by the fact that people blame Brett Ratner for the shitty script and story of Last Stand, which was written long before he was hired. Ratner was given the finished script and 6 months or so to film it. It's a godawful film, but 90% of that isn't Ratner's fault.

We'll see.... One wonders if the "there is a real mandarin who is not Trevor" plot of the 'All Hail the King' Marvel One-shot was for the benefit of Agents of Shield, not just for placating butthurt IM fans after IM3.

The Cap game is a complete knockoff of the Arkham games but thoroughly enjoyable.

Looks good, unless you're the kind of neckbeard who thinks Star Wars should be for adults

Disney/Star Wars crossover stuff was happening years before Lucasfilm was sold.