
Can't see a takeover happening anytime soon, given the massive financial assets Nintendo have.

It's the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time.

Two things:


Today I learned a thing. :)

So let me get this straight... Americans call a biscuit a cookie, and a sandwich a biscuit?

Now playing

You've pretty much just described the Dragon Age ep of Tabletop. :)

The books they were playing from in the new episodes were the hardbacks of 2nd ed AD&D. I don't know the rules like some of you here seem to, but the books (which belong to my wife) are on a bookshelf about 2 feet away from me as I type this.

I assume the fact that he's now seem Star Wars is a joke about the fact that Disney bought Lucasfilm.

To be fair, the whole 12 regenerations thing kinda went out the window the first time The Master got around the limit.

A thousand times this. Plus, Sam Witwer has forgotten more about Star Wars than most nerds will ever know.

I’ve seen so much whinging about how Disney have “ruined” Star Wars with this (mostly under these videos on FB) , despite the look being nearly indistinguishable from Clone Wars.

Depends what you're trying to achieve. Norway has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world (around 20% , compared to 67% in the USA).

That was never the plan, I'm afraid.

Joe Johnston. The guy is steeped in early Lucasfilm lore, having designed Boba Fett, and been art director for Empire, Jedi and Raiders of the Lost Ark. He also has a working relationship with Disney and Kathleen Kennedy having directed Captain America. Frankly, I’m stunned the guy didn’t get the Ep VII gig.

No, it didn't. It had one character frozen in statis for a long time, but no time travel.

Unlikely. Eps 7, 8 and 9 are based on story treatments by George Lucas - and he vetoed ANY attempt to put time-travel in the Star Wars EU. Abrams may be co-writing this draft of the script, but the story isn't his.

It was. I'd imagine your confusion comes from io9 calling it a "deleted scene" where it really isn't - it's a reference pass.

The strict "anti-porn" filtering taking full effect in the U.K. this month might cause problems for some League of Legends users who haven't called their ISPs to opt out of the screening. It seems the patcher is trying to access a couple of URLs with the letters S and E followed by X in them, and that's enough to get

Next time you watch the film you will clearly see the trunks poking out from under the beards. I can not unsee them now.