
This already existed to an extent in an offical capacity, with G-level and T-level canon overwriting existing EU (for example aspects of the Thrawn trilogy were overwritten by the prequels, and aspects of The Force Unleashed were overwritten by The Clone Wars.

This has been happening under Leland Chee for years. EU (books, games etc) was always third tier canon under G-level (Films and direct quote from Lucas) and T-level canon (The Clone Wars).

My son's middle name is Kaiden after the Mass Effect character. My wife is a huge Bioware fan, and she was playing Mass Effect 2 during parts of her (5o bloody hour) labour.

Lucasfilm retain the rights to ALL characters created in that universe irrespective of publisher.

"Because it's canon that time lords can change gender"

I'd imagine it only polled so low because so few people own the system it's on.

I think the title is a wee bit misleading. Disney already owned the IP (and the rights to do anything they wanted it in any medium other than movies) when they bought Lucasfilm. The only thing they just bought was the movie distribution rights for the franchise.

Do you hear anyone talking about it now?

I was about to say "But she doesn't have an accent?", then I realised this isn't a British website.

Paul's BF adventures have elevated him my top Doctor (and for context about my age, Davison is 'my' Doctor).

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be in the next Avengers, but Marvel can't mention who their parents are, or use the word 'Mutant' in any way. It's a whole weird thing.

Well... London. But close enough. ;)

Sounds weirdly simiular to the 1996 8th Doctor arrangement.

Yep. It'll be a reference to the 1996 8th Doctor Movie (which features the bridge).

To be fair, PC gaming doesn't really have "generations" like console gaming does.

FWIW, pretty much every English speaking country in the world except the USA spells colour with the 'u' (e.g. UK, Australia, Canada, India etc). ;)

I was just about to post an ilomilo reference. :D

The term was re-appropriated in the last 20 years or so as a reasonably vague term for non-hetero/gender binary people. It's often added to LGBT (LGBTQ) as a general "and all the rest" term for such minorities, so its use here seems pretty acceptable.

I'm an atheist and I think he was a prick.