
Hitchens, of course, famously a being a woman-hating warmongering knob that's the kind of position one might expect from him to have taken.

Remind me again what the top selling console has been for the last four months?

I think you can blame Fox for a lot of Dollhouse's initial problems. The unaired pilot is hugely better than the studio-tinkered one that was broadcast. It also covers the plot or pretty much half a season inside an hour or so. The show that we eventually got was significantly dumbed down from its original concept.

The principle is supposed to be that the dark side "unbalances" the natural state of the force, the light side keeps it in balance by listening to and following the will of the force.

TBF, the profit margin on both is likely to be pretty much the same.

Wii U made the 2012 hot list. So... that's a thing that happened.

Hmmm... Okay. To lay the groundwork here, I’ve not mucj interest in her as an author, but as a decent British socialist, I have all the admiration in the world for her. She stays resident, pay butt-loads of taxes, and is the only person to fall off the Forbes rich list through giving money away.

Nothing says "greedy" like $160 million in charitable donations. :/

Pretty sure she'd still have misread the autocue had it said Wii2 or whatever.

I don't think you can blame Nintendo for media outlets like this getting the names/pronunciation/details of the system of every single console wrong in this article. This isn't about brand confusion insomuch as someone sight-reading an autocue without having any idea what they're talking about.

I think we've hit the point where most "averge parents" of youngish children grew up with consoles in the 80s, and aren't on the whole as dumbass about consoles as some here seem to think.

The promo above is a still taken from an ad which heavily features adults playing with their children. Reggie Fils-Amie was also very clear when talking to IGN that this variant of the console was mainly pitched at the very young market - it's no surprise this launches the same day as the new Pokemon.

Nintendo have been pretty clear that the 2DS is designed for young (under 7s) children. I don't think Monster Hunter is really on the radar of children that young.

Errr.... I'm a primary teacher. :/

I think the lack of a hinge is to make it more durable for the market this has been designed for (under 7s).

I don't think a console explicitly designed for under 7s is crying out for twin stick.

Given the 2DS is aimed firmly at the youngest end of Nintendo's marker (under 8s), I don't think a circle pad pro is something they need to worry about.

I'm unclear what specifically shows Lucas as not a "decent man". Was it the four billion dollars he set aside for educational charities last year - that was pretty cruel?

I agree. I'm a reasonably nerdy type who thought I knew a lot of comic book characters from Marvel and DC, but I'd never heard of GotG until Marvel announced the films. I'll go see it, as Marvel Studios have only done one film I wasn't keen on (IM2), but I'm going in completely blind in a way I never have with a comic