
The person pointing the gun is Ashley. The early idea was that Ashley/Kaiden would confront reapertech-Shep.

Yup - Origins:Wolverine is by FAR the worst X-Men film.

Apparently Nintendo "helped" with the development, whatever that means (financial/practical?), and Nintendo is publishing it.

The little musical touches and the subtext of the conversation are so well handled. Brilliant stuff.

Yup - that is indeed Jenn.

I don't think he's in business to be an egalitarian or expand either.

UK's not getting boned that badly.

"When was the last time Star Wars was treated like an grand epic story or action-packed fun it deformed into a cash cow and a shadow of it's former self?"

This has ALWAYS been the case for Star Wars. Seriously, the idea that it used to be some kind of sacred cow is insane. I know we all look back at the late 70s and 80s with nostalgia, but SW was merchandised, spun off and wrung dry from the off. Characters were in the Muppet Show, there were terrible cartoons (Droids

The digital release is DLC for NSMBU. It's being released a month later as a boxed stand alone.

"I'm interested in trying out either, but Nintendo 1st party titles always cost a fortune where I live. So this looks like a cheaper 'in' unless it is just a couple of DLC levels"

It's a DLC for New Super Mario Bros U. Dropping the "New" would probably cause too much confusion.

It was announced in mid February, so about 4 months ago.

"how many units must it sell before its considered publishable for EA games"

Vita must've had a helluva bump in sales in the last couple of months. In April financial year end Sony trumpeted the handheld hitting 4.5 million worldwide (the same time Nintendo announced 3.45 million). The line between the two must be where EA have decided the "don't bother" point is, I guess.

The use of the phrase "white night" and false equivalence all in one post. Is this a game of MRA bingo?

Atheism is very common here in the UK (about a third of the population). I was pretty shocked to find there was any stigma attached to it in parts of the USA.

I don't get the hoopla over Darabont's Indy 4 script. It simply doesn't read as any better than what we got.

I can see Nintendo platforms (WiiU/marketplace or 3DS) being a good fit for Mini Ninjas' more blue-sky gameworld. But any platform I have (i.e. not iOS) would make me happy.

The trailer for The Phantom Menace was brilliant. I'll leave that right there.