
The problem with TFU2 story was that it should have never existed. TFU was created as a standalone story about the genesis of the rebellion, and when it was a hit for LA, poor Hayden Blackman had to come up with a way to bring back a dead character and create a new story for him.

They wore those helmets in the deleted scenes of the original JJ's Star Trek - the angry nerds have has a long time to get used to the design by now.

Nah - think she was on Veteran. She was determined to get a second run of ME1 and 2 done before baby came (this was in Feb, before ME3 came out). Unfortunately he had other ideas, but points for determination on her part. :)

360. Sorry!

Tangentially related anecdote: My wife was repeatedly doing a boss fight (Geth Prime) for in Mass Effect 2 for the first few hours of being in labour.

Pretty much the same here. If people weren't picking up the DLC, or using the free MP DLC, Bioware wouldn't be making it. ME3 multiplayer is still going strong, and I (and my friends) all really enjoy the DLC.

Also, Ratner had NOTHING to do with the screenplay/script - he just directed the finished script he was handed.

There's certainly photos about of him eating liver dumplings, and several first hand reports of sausages. I'm 100% sure of this, one - although I can't point you at a specific book right now.

The idea that Hitler was a vegetarian is, disappointingly, a myth.

In this case they interviewed the art director, so he's not really in a position to talk about anything else.

It was going to be. The show has been indefinitely shelved at this point.

Agreed. It looks very nice indeed - bit no more so than Uncharted 3 or Halo 4, let alone what high end PCs are doing these days.

I have much love for Last Story, and enjoyed Pandora's Tower, but seem alone in not liking Xenoblade at all. Great story and characters, but the MMO-style combat and interminable level-grinding left me cold.

I'm pretty sure it will be 100% this.

Can take of leave the show (it’s hardly well written and is very generic multi-camera fare) but people seem upset by two fundamental truths:

" Not long after J.J. Abrams revealed he turned down the gig after it was offered to him"

For early adopters, I'd suggest three "must haves" (Nintendo Land, NSMBU and ZombiU) isn't bad going.

As I understand it, the rights to Punisher, Daredevil and Blade have all returned to Marvel Studios after the existing rights contracts have either lapsed, or will do so soon.

Paul was excellent in the TV movie (and continues to be in the audio plays) - one of the best Doctors IMO. Of course the script and direction were terrible, but that's hardly his fault.

I think suggesting that JJ "turned down directing the new Star Wars movie" is over-stating it a bit. Seems he turned down being put on the long-list of possible directors.