
He has already fully relinquished any control - it's out of his hands now. I can't see Kathleen Kennedy letting Lucas interfere with the process beyond consulting at the scripting stage.

I played Last Story and LOVED it. Then went on to Xenoblade and gave up after 8 hours due to the horrible MMO combat.

Their servers are in Germany - that's apparently the cause of the problem.

MS and Sony both have the European HQs in the UK. Steam's European HQ is in Ireland.

Apparently the law only affects where the data is streamed from, not where it is streamed to. :s

Hmmm.... The CG Goblins look kinda crappy compared to the actor/prosethetic orcs and goblins in Fellowship. I wonder why the decided to make that change.

I used to work with an ex-Free Radical guy who worked on Battlefront III, and from everything he said 75% sounds much more accurate. Although he seemed excited about what they'd done, so he probably wouldn't agree withe "medicore". ;)

I learned something today. :)

"Could care less" is American. "Couldn't care less" is British (and probably Canadian, Australian etc). As a Briton, I've never really understood why the Yanks use the former. I guess it's supposed to sound sarcastic or something?

Disney owned Miramax when they put out Pulp Fiction, so yeah - they kinda did. A fact Tarantino seems to be willfully forgetting here.

Pretty saddened Taratino is being such a knobber about Disney owning Lucasfilm, given Mirimax was owned by Disney when they put out Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill etc.

There's a guy a Lucasfilm called Leeland Chee, whose job is continuity. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Leland_Chee

It doesn't have an official title, as far as I can tell. I've seen Edgar Wright call it the "Three flavours Cornetto" trilogy.

Oh dear, you don't know what 'bedridden' means, do you? It refers to people physically unable to get up (e.g. Spinal injuries, coma patients, extreme physical weakness etc), not ones who can't be added to get up.

Also, different writing team. Cornetto trilogy are Pegg/Wright - Paul was Pegg/Frost.

Hot Fuzz and Shaun were written by Pegg and Wright. Paul was written by Pegg and Frost, and so isn't part of the Cornetto trilogy.

It's fine for him not to want to do the role more than once, but he shouldn't have signed a multi-picture deal, then. Marvel Studios play the long game, expecting characters to recur over long arcs - that is why the make multi-picture deals. Weaving is being an arse as he is backing out of his agreement by publicly

"Brie is the only American of the bunch, and she's done a passable British accent "

Banner was show learning to control his change into Hulk in the last scene of the 2008 Incredible Hulk film, so that's hardly pulled out of nowhere as the trailer suggests.

Yep - That's Mr Proops in both TPM and SW Kinect. He's an amazing guy - does a fantastic weekly podcast.