
Meanwhile in the UK we're having one of the wettest summers on record. Strange times.

Potentially, yes.

"Norway would only put him in jail for 21 years if he's considered sane."

Don't hating on DC. He's the best Bond since Connery.

Errr... I assume that's speculation. Nothing has been announced.

This - a thousand times this.

"So Bioware is giving us a "modified" ending to Mass Effect 3. "

To be fair(ish) this got killed long before the Kinect was even launched.

Whilst I appreciate it's all very unfair, UK administration law is very specific about who gets paid and in what priority order. Whilst administration is going on, end consumers are second-to-last - only ahead of shareholders in the assets pecking order. Game Group (and more specifically the administrators) literally

At the risk of side tracking from the original topic, does poster have OCD or OCPD? I honestly can’t see how someone with OCD would be bothered by these things – that’s just not how the obsessive thoughts/ritual work with the condition.

"But also, you can just tell that everybody's run out of enthusiasm for these films. Except maybe Lucas"

The accent on Cammy was painful. "Corntest". :s

"They can remove guns and similar from the Xbox Live Marketplace but tattoos are A-OK?"

Not sure that applies to everything - especially consumer technology. Can you imagine someone buying a phone that simply does calls and texts and nothing else these days?

"Because [Kinect has] been out for over a year now and there still aren't any proper games for it beyond cheap kids titles and party games."

The building used for the new Wayne Manor is Dark Knight Rises is in a park 5 mins from my office in Nottingham, UK. That'll be odd to see.

"what the heck is Galadriel doing there?"

They've said from the outset they’ll be adding events from the appendices and other Tolkein notes that fit into the timeline. These are 'canonical' events in the right places in the story, just ones that didn't appear in The Hobbit.

Eurogamer have confirmed that the BBC app will indeed be available to Silver as well as Gold in the UK.

The correct line from Loki is "There are secret PATHS between the worlds, to which even you with all your gifts are blind". Not "POWERS" as quoted. I'm guessing it's an error in transciption from MTV, rather than Hiddleston getting his own line wrong.