
@Jonas72: Actually, I vaguely remember a load of behind the scenes webisodes in the run up the the prequels in the late 90s. I think Lucas may have been one of the first film-makers to do this kind of thing.

I love that the choice is apparently accepting this kind of backward garbage, and being "easily offended".

@Arnheim: I'd imagine quite a few of use are in our 30s, and slightly ashamed that we didn't know better when we played Duke 3D back in the day.

I wasn't clear was I? I'm English, and so was referencing The Sun's moronic non-story to which the animation refers.

Always nice when our shitty media makes us an international laughing stock.

@Fauxcused: I actually think that DA2 has a much improved and more engaging story. Awesome as DA:O was, the main story was pretty much every high fantasy story ever. I like the moral grey areas and politics of DA2 much more. The re-used caves is indeed awful, but the combat is (mashing A aside, which will be patched

Here is a nice example of The Sun's propensity to make stories up: [www.thesun.co.uk]

Picked mine up this morning. LOVING Street Fighter 4.

@LordDisco: The answer to your question is in the article.

@SpinachPuffs: Iiinteresting. Guess I'll see whether I'm feeling "worth saving £20 to go out at midnight" awake later. Cheers for the 411.

@forsinain42: Really? They're still listing it as £197 on their website.

@Salari: If the people involved ALREADY had the (LARP) kit and set dressing, skills, software and time – all of which they volunteer for nothing, I guess the budget could potentially be near to zero.

@Shiryu: I suspect a lot of people were put of the show by the decision to put the (kinda weak) first few eps in the cinema as a "movie". Which is a shame, as it's REALLY found its feet in seasons 2 and 3.

@Ueziel: I have chronic arthris, and have had no issue with it. True story. ;)

"and doesn't work very well,"

@DreamSequence: I find I am rather being forced into 3D, if I want to see films in the cinema. Not sure about where you live, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find 2D showings of 3D films at my local multiplex. Tron, for example, had NO 2D showings after 5pm on a weekday.

"According to its developers, this could help counteract the "princess in need of rescuing" stereotype that dominates portrayals of women in games"

Of course, it's all very subjective. What are the games you had in mind?

@Ossidiana: Agree with the decision 100%.