
@Rallion: Some of the elves (including Merill) are Welsh.

@igloochan: "The tag line 'Too Perfect' plastered all over an obviously unrealistic portrayal of female attractiveness is the real problem."

The only error here was, as far as I can tell, the guy from Bioware giving to hoots about anything on Metacritic.

@ShinDanHibiki: Steady on, chap. They've also donated over a million dollars in cash. Cut them a break, eh?

$13.99!!!? I picked on of these up last year at Staples in the UK for 99p.

@Khan360: It's the DLC armour that went on sale a week or two ago

You didn't. The spoiler is wrong.

"Joe Lo Truglio's loveable nerd O'Reilly dies relatively early on"

At the risk of being set upon by angry nerds, the CW isn't remoteley "woeful". It's had its crappy moments, but has also produced some of the highest quality SW fare since Jedi.

Ziro was originally supposed to speak Huttese and sound like a Jabba. When showrunner Dave Filoni (who directed the pilot epidoes - which got re-edited to a feature length story) showed a cut to GL, it was him that suggested the Capote voice. It was a daft idea, but hey ho, it happens. The character's been killed off

Actually, her stuff has been shockingly good quality (way better than anything her father has written in years). She sites Buffy and Tank girl as her influences, the former or which keep me more than happy she knows what she's doing (although it wasn't her that killed off Ziro, much as I'd like to credit the girl with

Crap as it may be (and I’m sure it is) it is, at the end of the day, a parody. At least a comedy like Black Scorpion know it’s camp and silly – which is more than can be said for Halle Berry’s crime against cinema.

@Raso719: They did. It was called the 360S. This device is pointless.

@Ursus-Veritas: That was indeed Pernilla August. We're getting spoilers for things that have already happened (because they come from the UK, and we're a couple of weeks behind the US for Clone Wars).

@Sheldon J. Plankton: Angel Salvadore is a completely different character who happens to have the same first name a Warren Worthington's codename.

@OTWarrior: She’s playing Angel Salvadore, a relatively new character in the comics. It’s a totally different character from Warren Worthington, who was codenamed Angel and appeared in X-men 3. Both are comicbook "canon" characters.

I could be wrong (I often am) but the way this parody game is decribed it seems to be based around comedy rapes. That can't be what it means, can it?

@PathRifter: One assumes they are looking for known associates and friends he communicated with and what he said, nothing to do with the game in and of itself, I'm sure.