
So let's put some stuff together: MS comes out first, states that they're making a living room device that's going to be your hub of entertainment. That's how they reveal the hardware. Everybody hates. The SonyTrolls come out of the woodwork to hate on it- "what about games?" and the ever popular stupidity "who are

It's great that MS's PR is dealing with this so well. This definitely wouldn't be the case had they not changed their ways after the always online fiasco during E3. I'm happy for the dude. He got to brag about his early system, leak his findings to the world like a champ, get YT ad revenue, and will fly to the launch

On the upside, I'm happy MS is doing some damage control and approaching the guy and making apologies and inviting him to stuff. They are doing something to make it right when they could just sit back and not do anything (which would be assholey).

You know - other than a few dick moves early on, Microsoft have done the right thing eventually.

I think it's great how transparent Microsoft was in this case. I'm glad they decided not to burn bridges but explain themselves. I'm getting a PS4 at launch, but I respect what Major Nelson did and I only hope that this kind of transparency continues.

They've actually confirmed there won't be any external ads on the home screen but they can be found in the store, most likely for the app services like Netflix etc.

Looks fantastic to me - this is what modern design SHOULD look like, not flashy bevels and gradients everywhere (there's a reason Apple's aping Windows in design these days, as opposed to the other way around).
Honestly don't see how people think it's cluttered in the slightest. Then again, I suspect the people who do

Am I like the only one who thinks that Ryse looks cool? I mean yeah, it's not going to be some knockout title, but it looks fun and pretty at least.

In related breaking news, blockbuster shockingly still exists.

Amazed as people judges something they just do not have put a hand on...

In BGS I got the chance of closely looking both consoles. In terms of graphics (up scaled or not), there was nothing to criticize on XBox One. On the contrary, they put their hardware to be used by thousands of attendants, the hardware was stored

I'll have to retract what I said before. I thought that the PS4 would show the game in 1080p, while the XB1 will show it at 720p. I didn't know that the MS box would upscale it to 1080p anyway (with the PS4 being native). It definitely IS just nitpicking and I'm glad the devs focused on 60fps which can make any game

Didn't it sell pretty well on its own? I thought it was considered a success? I can't imagine they'd bolt a failed peripheral onto their next gen console unless they thought it was an asset. Especially considering how much it pushes their price above the competition just to have it, while having lower specs everywhere

I could honestly care less, and if I actually did, I wouldnt even be commenting on it. If youre buying a new console just off the graphics, youre doing it wrong.

Personally, I'm going XBox One off the bat because I want to see XBL cloud computing and how it will advance what games can do. If any feature of this generation is going to make a difference, it will be that. Release lineup resolutions aren't really that important.

Console launches are usually tough and I'm betting learning how to work with esram is kinda throwing a monkey wrench in their process, but I also think people are looking at it with a narrow point of view. Yea you might not see much of a difference between cod running at 720p and 1080 and I think further down the line

Show someone who knows NOTHING about resolution a 61" display with a 720P and 1080P game or movie side by side...and they're not going notice a damn thing...graphics are one slice of the overall pie...

that's reassuring because i really want to get an xbone since it has all the tv features and stuff, seems to have a lot more value as a whole than the ps4, but I dont want to think i got something that can't even match my TV resolution. I'm pretty confident they will be native 1080p once they've been developing on it

This isn't the big deal the Internet makes it out to be. At this time, people are desperately seeking fuel for a console war. Announcing that one would be at a higher resolution than the other, is exactly what the Internet wanted. When the game actually launches, it will most likely be completely forgotten by its

Considering this game is also going to be released on the 360, the PS3, and I believe the Wii U, my guess is this answer is bullshit and the real issue is the fact that they are trying to run an engine optimized for last gen on a next gen console.

Honestly, you have to look at feature sets and exclusive titles and only THEN consider graphical fidelity. I'm getting both consoles, and for a crossplat game that has no kinect features or multiplayer (or at least, a multiplayer game that my friends are also planning to buy, as they're gonna have Xboxes), I'll