So you’re telling me Mei is bae in May?
So you’re telling me Mei is bae in May?
No Martha and Pa Kent are the very core of what makes Superman who he is. They gave him good solid midwestern American values. Hard work, honesty, self sacrifice, love your fellow man, respect for other people’s property, the law is something you respect and honor, fighting and killing is not a solution to your…
I think that’s where I end up parting ways with your take on things, oddly right at the ‘beginning’ for the character, at least. Jonathan and Martha Kent are such a HUGE part of who Superman is and why he is. And what Snyder did to the Kents, the degree to which he misinterpreted them to, imo, a nearly vomit-worthy…
BvS is what happens when someone who obviously dislikes the concept of superheroes is given free reign to put to film his fanfic based on two popular DC comics storylines while simultaneously being required to forge a DC movie universe.
This is what happens when you don’t let Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, Glen Murakami, Greg Weisman, and Andrea Romano take complete control of your DC-verse.
You misspelled Hiatus X Hiatus
I’m afraid I have 3 children and am pretty well versed in how Childbirth goes as we have done all 3 without the assistance of hospitals. So... no. I actually do know the reality of children in “real life”.
I know that - Woman Power - and all that, but they have made this character soooo unlikeable to me. A woman at that stage of pregnancy should NOT be doing that crap. And no amount of whatever the fuck super latex (or whatever it is) armor that Tony Stark made for her would protect that baby. You can’t armor the inside…
And if you’d like a second opinion:
Wasn’t that sniper lady with the incredible butt a evil character already?
This time they introduced two really evil-looking characters which, besides the gloomy guy Reaper, were missing from the current line-up.
Don’t forget the “Perfect Strangers” mashup of Enterprise!
Life, uh, finds a way.
The new form is being called "Golden Frieza." Design-wise, it looks similar to white and purple form, but with a gold and purple palette. On Twitter, some fans are quick to praise the form, saying it looks cool, while others are either poking fun or criticizing it.
I'm not sure there's anything cooler than The Man from Nowhere's fight scene at the end but it's not exactly kung-fu. More gun-fu with hints of kung-fu.