
Yeah, that's what I heard. And it's not that I didn't think I would like them, it was just that I found it hard to generate excitement. It used to be like "movie X is out! let's go right now!"... and now it's more like "movie Y is out... I'll see it eventually"

This theory sounds like a bunch of wish-fulfillment on the part of a rabid Bulma fanboy. One that pretty much ignores the person Bulma is, the role Goku plays in making sure she doesn't die, and that the existence of many of the super fighters that eventually show up in the series is directly related to Goku coming to

I agree it's a good scene, and not the only one, but then you have the flashback when a regular ass rat in a bird cage is becoming a karate master by imitation.

So this is just Star Wars cardboard and foam playsets from 1981 v3.0? Sounds like it would be great (and evil) for pre-teens.

So is the core gameplay MineCraft lite + MOBAs? I don't quite get what is going on w/ these playset games.

hm. I might give this another shot.

It's not over! Never forget!

O_o The image you posted scarred me. Must see. Good. Cosplay.

Just noticed Key and Peele in the beginning. Never realized.

Wait, so, they wanted a bunch of new characters, but didnt want to make nice detailed figures for all of them, so for 40 of them you just have to get these simpler mono-color crystals and then try to remember which 'water' character' is in which of your 'water' crystals? oof...