
It’s cute how fast the Sony fans went from “You want exclusives? Buy a PlayStation!” to “Don’t take our Activision titles away from us!”

Any of the ones who visited the multiple gaming sites and forums where it was a headline.

Sony’s stock lost 13% of its value in a single day. People are absolutely reeling.

Microsoft Paired with Sega for the release of the Dreamcast, lending their expertise in the development of the OS for new console.

Things have changed I think. Game design hasn’t really evolved much. Suddenly playing old games is often more fun than the half complete buggy tripe they put out now. Upscale the graphics, add some bigger textures for 4k support and boom, it’s new again on an all you can eat platform. Meanwhile the market outside

I’m not too excited about either of the big new consoles, but as a PlayStation fan since the day it launched in 1995 in North America, the PS5 has been the bigger disappointment. There’s no new exclusive games announced that interest me, and with no backward compatibility, no Game Pass-competing service, and the

So much copium. This purchase has Sony fans SHOOK.

As the company that helped destroy two of the best damn consoles EVER: The Saturn and Dreamcast, seeing the half brother of the dreamcast, the XBox on its way to ending the Playstation.

Oh, to play MGS4: Guns of the Patriots again... I’ll buy it gladly - just let me play it SOMEWHERE on modern hardware.

The 360 was BC with 200+ Xbox games from day one. It ended with like 400 something. So, no, BC is always something the 360 had to varying degrees.

I don’t know who Hideo Kojima pissed off at Konami but they sure can hold a grudge. Considering that all Konami does anymore is milk its old franchises, I can’t think of any other reason why there isn’t a pricey MGS compilation on every current console.

This is super ironic to me. Let me tell ya, I’ve been served, time and time again, the eternal argument AGAINST backward compatibility by Sony fanboys saying that they much prefer Sony invest its money in making new games instead, and that BC was for Xbox losers, that anyone who wants to play old game should just keep

Microsoft value: $2.5 trillion

You think Vogon poetry is bad? You should try right wing comedy!

a lot of these acquisitions is to strengthen the Gamepass value. MS sees Gamepass as the brand’s future and are just making this big splashes to strengthen the product which will help MS in the gaming space in decades to come.

Honestly at this point it might be the better option

So long as there’s no poetry, I’m cool with that.

And then Disney buys Microsoft.  And then Amazon buys Disney.  And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

If that is your worst Christmas Morning .... then you have quite  a privileged and sheltered life. 

Some people like to shit on the MCU, because I guess it’s the “in” thing to do now. But the truth is, MCU movies aer still the most consistently best action/adventure movies around and the fact each movie carries the overall plot forward is different and fun.

It’s an easy fuckin’ question to answer.