
Don’t take this the wrong way because it’s not just you, but I keep seeing people say “utterly unimpressed by Microsoft”. What exactly do you want them to show? I found this presentation, while somewhat lackluster giving the lack of details, interesting enough.

If we compare say, Sony showcasing the new Grand Turismo,

Eh, neither console is a compelling upgrade yet. They’re going to pricey (as new consoles always are), the games are going to be pricier, the graphical enhancements are at best fine, and unless you really hate load times, you’ll still getting the same kind of gameplay and design you’ve been getting for 15 years. 

If Sony let them have the level of access they’d need to provide their vision on a PS5, they actually might. They continue to make hardware because their entire model at this point is built around software and game pass (which echoes their entire business model as a company, really) having very tight integration with

They don’t care about selling you hardware, they care about selling you Game Pass. Most (all?) of what they showed here is going to be on Game Pass. So yea, Sony’s presentation is going to look a lot more impressive from the lens of “should I buy next gen hardware or not?” because that is what it was - a marketing

If you’ve been asking yourself that for 7 years then you’re probably not the target demographic.

Ask your Mom for more allowance.

Comments like yours tilt me to be honest. Your like 1 cm away from saying the game is targeting queer women. And the game 100% in no way at all even points in that general direction. Ellie’s sexual orientation has legit ZERO to do with what is going on within the “main” story of the game. If she was queer or straight

Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.

Hell yes.

And now, time for Mr. Johnson’s follow-up “apology/what have I learned from all of this” statement? We’re waiting, Mr. Johnson. How are you doing over there?

Good. He should’ve been fired but I’m sure there would’ve been a clause in his contract that would’ve given him a golden parachute. I’m sure he’ll have fun over the next few weeks going on to conservative podcasts to talk about how the left is ruining video games, maybe Dave Rubin will lick his boots like every other

Theres gotta be a secret white club where they play chicken with stuff like this and kudos eachother for what they can get away with.

Oh, for the sake of biblical knowledge.

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

Im so sick of the counterfeit $20 dollar bill b.s., do you know how easy it is to get a counterfeit bill?  I worked in a bank and the amount of people who handed me a counterfeit bill would blow your mind.  Hell Ive had ATM machines give me counterfeit bills before because unless you specifically know what to look for

Sure would've been nice to hear him called a race baiting terrorist for 365 days as opposed to the usual 313.

On the other hand, it’s not a black man’s responsibility to tell white people that they need to fight racial injustice. They should do that themselves on their own initiative.

It’s Stop Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.

I thought it was a shortened version of “simpering,” which is a word often used to refer derogatorily to women who submit too easily to others and let themselves be pushed around.

Is Trump living in a sealed chamber in the WH? I’ve heard he’s a notorious germaphobe but it’s hard to believe he’s been able to dodge the virus this long.