
AOTY so far. This beat switch hits hard every time. I think this cut or Massage Seats is my favorite on the record. Fuckin' Madlib flexin with the iPad.

It would be funnish for a while. But even the quality of life things would eventually destroy your ship. A while back they added FSD supercharging by flying into a neutron star’s jet. Can be safe...ish. Can destroy your ship. But can quadruple jump range. I’m betting that killed a bunch of people. 

They’ve won three playoff games in two years. They were not a legitimate title contender. At all.

“This is exactly what I would do” - Minnesota Vikings GM....

And then have a lucrative career in cyber security if prison doesn’t break him.

New team, who dis?”

Does Durant really strike you as the kind of guy who would have several duplicitous face-to-face conversations with teammates just prior to the most important decision of his career, as opposed to the type who’d just stop answering text messages from his teammates during that period and later faux-apologize to them

Let’s be real: some people like to say that art requires suffering

Russian influence is proving to be impressive

I just want to shout from the rooftop about how yes, these are exactly concentration camps. The only thing they aren’t doing is executing them, which is not necessary for the term to be correct.

Pelosi? Really? Someone is going to attack AOC because of fucking Pelosi? Get fucked!

Not to mention that these good folk would probably stab a fool for wearing a half Spurs half Gunners kit at a North London Derby.

The “political divide” is manufactured bullshit. There is only one echo chamber and it’s on the right. Are there non-conservatives who are jerks, or repost shit without researching it? yeah, of course. But there simply is not anywhere near the level of lies, dogma, and ignorance as there is on the right.

Part of me is laughing at the “Gamer” subculture getting this stuck to them.

The part of me that plays games and understands Tariffs is also laughing at toxic “Gamers” subculture.

The cognitive dissonance should be delightful. #schadenfreude #leopardseatingfaces

Imagined sample from memo draft: “In this tariff war current business climate, we may take a hit from larger tariffs new resource allocations may result in a higher cost for customers. Don’t leave us even though we voted for Trump and therefore this trade war We appreciate your loyalty to Trump and us confidence in

They can write to Trump all they want, he still won’t understand how tariffs work. He’ll still go on thinking that they’re a fee that the exporting country has to pay. No one will ever get it through his skull that he’s imposing taxes on imports, which are passed along to American consumers.

Even the cabling infrastructure company I work for included a new tab on our P&Ls to customers about the increased cost of tariffs. Nice to know that our CEOs personal income may be hit after he nudged his employees in a letter to go vote for Trump in 2016.

Oh. My. God.

Keep the weapons degradation, and give us more varied weapons. I know it’s a trigger point for a lot of people with BotW, but having weapons degrade and break was a fantastic way to force people to use a wide variety of the weapons in the game. That, and it forced people to experiment with the runes to see exactly

Stasis was super important for me. Especially when you could freeze an object, beat it to hell, then unfreeze it and watch it go flying.. I used that a ton to move stuff,