Yea, you might want to sit this one out.
Yea, you might want to sit this one out.
How do you delete someone else’s comment
Thankfully Nintendo isn’t looking for your opinion on this one. Worst take.
Yeah, you’re all on your own here.
Breath of the Wild is literally the best selling, and arguably the most well-received (maybe second after OoT) Zelda game in history. There is absolutely no way Nintendo wasn’t going to capitalize on its success with a sequel.
Hard pass. No thank you. Direct sequel. No changes. BOTW is perfect.
To each their own I guess. I love the weapon system. Everything you do has consequences now unlike the other games where you could easily beat the game with three hearts and rupees were meaningless.
I’m sorry you’re sad but man i’m so fucking amped to get more botw action!
this is the worst take
You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately.
FINALLY! This game was in dire need of a remaster. Now we’ll actually be able to tell what we’re looking at!
Keanu has starred in The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic and A Scanner Darkly, so I’m gonna guess he’s run into the term ‘cyberpunk’ before :D
I’m glad you recognize this take makes you a total herb.
“. You think anyone is telling LeBron he can’t wear a Tamir Rice protest shirt? You think anyone is telling that LeBron/D-wade Miami Heat team that they can’t pose with hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin?”
It’s almost like every major sports organization is brimming with racism and toxic masculinity. I wonder why.
and remember when Massa Stern imposed the clothing rules on the NBA, which we all knew was a “pull up your pants/stop dressing like thugs” demand?
You really come down hard on black NFL fans since Colin Kaepernick bent the knee, though, as if had it not been for us “refusing to boycott” the NFL would have changed their collective minds about the Souls Of Black Folk and then you say that it wouldn’t have mattered, anyway because they couldn’t care less about us.
exactly.. the Hodor event appears to be a fluke (though the books make it clear that Ned Stark did hear (or *thinks he hears* a boy yell “Father” as he climbed the Tower of Joy) .. now people think Bran has Doctor Who or Thanos powers.
There’s not really a Night’s Watch, just a) a story to tell Gray Worm so they let Jon live and/or b) a place to send people that aren’t criminals but they don’t really know what else to do with. Nobody’s gonna be checking up on them, like before with the army at Castle Black.