
It can also watch you rub your dick in infrared.

Probably doesn't help that this is definitely the weakest Call of Duty in a while.

I'll be honest.. Even if there wasn't a tight budget in my wallet atm, this game didn't even register on the "must have" list.....

Just started playing Far Cry 3 for the first time.

::pushes up X-Men nerd Glasses:: In Cyclops and Phoenix (first limited series) we clearly find out that time travel is posible as long as you inhabit the body of a relative. They travel to the year 3099 and raise Scott, and Madelyn Pryor's son, Cable, who finally brings down the reign of Apochalypse.

I'm receiving breaking news that the kid just got hired by the NSA.

No, the gaps get filled in rather quickly for you in MGS2 and 3—3 moreso though. 2 is more about the expanding reach of information technology (and adapting it for war) that persisted so much in MGS4.

I've noticed in a few forums including this one that people have negative things to say about this game.

MArio Galaxy 1 & 2 are the second highest rated games this gen, was another milestone in 3D platformers imo, and IGNs, and other critics.

It was a shitty game. They tried to make a RE game for Dead Rising fans.

Shooting and moving isnt even the end of the world. Its the fact that melee attacks were stronger than your gun. Its that the general controls and direction of the game was that of an action game (That doesnt mean that there is "too much action"

Now playing

I guess they fall under hip-hop, but have you listened to Deltron 3030 (Event II just came out), The Coup (an album was released last year), or even Aesop Rock (an album last year and a collaborative album, The Uncluded - Hokey Fright, with Kimya Dawson from The Moldy Peaches)? They all sound pretty original to me.

I think you misunderstood my comment, or how it was related to this article. Its all in good fun!

So. You're a hipster I take it?

So we cheered Mcnabb, we defend the outsiders, we cheered Malcolm Floyd when he got carted off, at what point are you going to acknowledge that the children of the Santa Claus snow-ball throwers/Michael Irvin injury cheerers(he's an asshole anyway) are generally not bad people? I went to the Eagles game and there was

[Pizza Hut kitchen, next day]
Manager: I saw that video on Deadspin.
Checkered shirt guy: I'm sorry, sir.
Manager: Do I have to remind you that Pizza Hut has incredibly high standards. And when you're wearing our shirt you represent those high standards.
Manager: [smells cheese, scrapes off mold, puts cheese on pizza]

Another Wii U game article, another string of complaints that it "should be on 3ds instead"

1.The creativity in this game is amazing. It not just a rehash this time.

Okay so you know how everyone was blasting Ninty for this being too similar to 3D Land and a re-hash?