
What do Saudi royals have to do with F1? It is governed by the FIA, based in France, and owned by Liberty Media, based in Colorado.

Your actual answer to the question posed is none. Because you use the features. There are no features you refuse to use. You’re pro-feature.”

Pretty sure it was a GG Allin song....

If the Dems ever nominate a completely unqualified rapist who attempted a violent coup and that person gets an iron clad grip on the party through a cult of personality — and that personality happens to be vile, mean, bigoted, and almost definitely psychotic —then maybe we can both-sides this.

“I have never witnessed a greater sacrifice by a lead actor in my career,” said Robert Downey Jr.”

I cancelled Bud Light years ago, when I could afford real beer


I don’t negotiate with terrorists. This will eventually get me killed, and I’m okay with that.

He didn’t put others at risk during flight,

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur “Bud” Holland

lives at risk is quite the exaggeration.

THIS is your take? Lives at risk and THIS is your take?

What he’s worried about is earning his next pay cheque, sorry, “campaign donation”, from his bosses in the fossil fuel industry who are increasingly desperately looking for FUD stories about EVs.

You are asking a lot from drivers who can’t even remember, or notice(!), to turn on their headlights at night.

The irony is that the EV being used to evac likely has more charge (if you’re evac’ing from home), than an ICE vehicle has fuel. My cars are constantly hovering around 1/4 tank. EVs are generally plugged in at home. They’ll be just fine.

Yeah, but....but, feminist....uh, SOMETHING!

In all fairness, you are way oversimplifying the Olivia Wilde situation. It wasn’t that she just dated Styles, a younger man, but that she left the father of her kids to do it and in a really harsh way if half of the rumors are true. That Styles was effectively her employee at the time, which introduces the whole

Here’s a newsflash: Many women like older men.

He will be presented with the highest award Florida can present a person (or alligator) with. The Floridian Fanny Pack of Freedom.

Had he been wearing a properly-fitted bra, those moobs would have stayed under control. Once those oscillations began, it was game over.