
He didn’t put others at risk during flight,

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur “Bud” Holland

lives at risk is quite the exaggeration.

THIS is your take? Lives at risk and THIS is your take?

What he’s worried about is earning his next pay cheque, sorry, “campaign donation”, from his bosses in the fossil fuel industry who are increasingly desperately looking for FUD stories about EVs.

You are asking a lot from drivers who can’t even remember, or notice(!), to turn on their headlights at night.

The irony is that the EV being used to evac likely has more charge (if you’re evac’ing from home), than an ICE vehicle has fuel. My cars are constantly hovering around 1/4 tank. EVs are generally plugged in at home. They’ll be just fine.

Yeah, but....but, feminist....uh, SOMETHING!

In all fairness, you are way oversimplifying the Olivia Wilde situation. It wasn’t that she just dated Styles, a younger man, but that she left the father of her kids to do it and in a really harsh way if half of the rumors are true. That Styles was effectively her employee at the time, which introduces the whole

Here’s a newsflash: Many women like older men.

The cops are out in the open. The department’s reasoning doesn’t hold water.

Dr Tongue’s 3D House of Traffic Stops

I’ve been riding and racing for 20 years and have seen experienced cyclists who ride over 10,000 miles a year fall over in that same manner. I think it is great that a man in his 70's is out there getting some exercise instead of sucking down Diet Cokes and lying about his weight while trying to end democracy.

If the only news important to you is the war and Putin, why are you on Jalopnik reading articles?

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

Artificial reef is a good option

He will be presented with the highest award Florida can present a person (or alligator) with. The Floridian Fanny Pack of Freedom.

Had he been wearing a properly-fitted bra, those moobs would have stayed under control. Once those oscillations began, it was game over.

Must be the camo. 

It’s a German car. That’s their passive-aggressive way of saying that you shouldn’t have cup holders, the way Ferdinand wanted.