
How many hostages have been raped and/or murdered since the original TERRORIST attack? How many hostages are still being held and/or raped/tortured since the original TERRORIST attack?

Seems no one wants to talk about that.

The Root has a slideshow (&@^$ slideshows!) today on which black actor should play James Bond.

Meanwhile, 2 days ago at the Broccoli residence............

It looks like the airbag did it’s job.

Or a job.

Not if it means they’re going to out camp Lynch’s version of Dune with them like they did with Starship Troopers.

Have you considered going to a more vibrant shade of blue hair dye?

He done got Epstein’d.

York Regional Police (north end of Toronto - Canada’s #1 in officers charged with DUI) has started handing out door stops to residents to help with home invasion auto thefts.

Oh no. There goes Tokyo...........

Villeneuve’s Dune is Dune. Lynch’s Dune is the Friday @ midnight screening bring-your-props-with-you* Dune.

*If they let you in with your Pug you would own the joint.

You know you did good when even Jared Leto can’t ruin your film.

Some heroes don’t wear capes.

“But not to take the money and fuck off with it, while blocking the customer to get the order delivered by someone else”

As opposed to the delivery driver’s viewpoint?

Go sit down and let the adults talk.

Hard enough that he is unable to reproduce.

And Louis Deletranz is a World Endurance driver, not a F1 driver.

There may be a clause in the union contract for the cabin workers about turning in misplaced customers’ items and indeed be classified as “stolen” by the airline.

Outgrown the show? For what? $10K one day shoot bits in not-so-blockbuster and/or indie films doing stereotypical caricatures?

“Now, I’d love to see a source on “schools performing medical procedures on students without parental knowledge and consent.” I can’t imagine what the fuck you even imagined that to mean”

“Being a conservative means being opposed to abortion and homosexuality”

Go to Google. Type grey into the search bar. You will find therein examples of a color of varying shades between black and white. Click on images to see pictorial descriptions if you are still confused and/or confounded.

You equate the elephant in the room awkwardness in that monologue to Triumph of the Will? Wow. Just wow.