
Now, I'm mixing real science and fake science here. So physics nerds and comic-book nerds: Deal with it.

MAN and here this whole time i thought it was just a battery powered LED movie prop! amazing the depth they go in for with these marvel movies.

Now that we know that no-one was hurt:

Fox News right now:

Us catholic scientists (scientists who are catholic, not christian scientists, which is a whole different thing), have long had to work hard to convince people that the catholic church wasn't anti science. This view is nothing new, and for many years you could find papal decrees and papers referring to evolution as

Rachmaninoff? Liszt? Tchaikovsky? Scriabin? Wagner? Glazunov? Sibelius? Bruckner? Shuman? How can you have a favorite? Never understood how to have a favorite. Such wonderful men and women.

Now playing

Awesome! Now put them in variable fighters!!! :D

Matt Novak is a writer for a poor news source and you should be ashamed for liking him. His over analysis and misunderstanding of satire is lethargic and excessive to the point of adding nothing to the debate.

since there is practically no "blind spot" on a bike if you have your mirrors right

Compare this with looking down and checking your speedometer.

This is a good point. The fact that both parties screwed up on this program means everyone is to blame, so criticizing it is never an option. It makes me sick to think how much advancement NASA could have made for things that would benefit the whole world if only 1/20th of that money was funneled to them instead.

I love how pundits focus on things like a $5 billion dollar Obamacare website not working right, but a non working ONE TRILLION DOLLAR aircraft program doesn't work and will likely never work, but that's totally OK.

30Kts 30 feet off the deck into the water. Had everything but the strobe lights in my jumps. Good to see they are training for this instead of just shoving my ass out the door and hoping I made it to the other side without drowning. Once my gun went over my head and I went inverted...fun times!!

I would imagine both drivers were running on quite a bit of adrenalin about then. Both most likely realized, at the same time, how close things came to being so very different. The truck drivers reaction was on the mild side all things considered.

I'very been trucking for over a decade. Every 4-6 months or so, someone tries to commit suicide on my grill. It NEVER ceases to amaze me the oblivious state in which so many 4-wheeler drivers exist.

I think the most amazing thing here is that there's a Dale Junior fan somewhere in Greece.

It happened to me too on a 13" screen ! Dafuq?

You mean you don't want a polka dot laptop used solely for the purpose of buying polka dot shoes?