
Without a video those pics are pretty useless.

"Some people just need to text and call" WOW! Really? Some?! How high on your "tech"sphere are you that you believe you are the yardstick of cell phone usage? Most people do just send text or email and then talk on their phones. And no matter how the smart phone market has grown, or how much I get hated on this site

So I guess people in the gaming industry don't need life insurance; since gamers, it seems, are by far the most generous and charitable consumers.

Lots of akimbo action! NICE!

The thriller dance. I have seen it pop up almost everywhere. The other day I was at a salsa club and there was a competition or an exhibition, I can't remember, and they started with the Thriller dance!!! I just never expected it.

If it has android I might.

I am going to fill the ideas of other people but I would have made all the different parts be usb drives. that together form Voltron USB Ver.

@Schm1tty: Agree. No matter what religion, belief or values, those are not the problem, the problem is fanatics.

@blu_goku: Pedophiles and (a)"whole list of other things" are not christian only problems I am sure. They are more a human problem.

@Chewblaha: To show clearly there is nothing else connected between the ps3 and the tv and the calculator.

OMG! Io!!! Sooooo cute!!!! And she has a British accent. Love her very bad!!!!

This could be something real but it could be staged too. I don't even get surprised about these things anymore. They do it and they must know why. Let's move on.

@skywalker24: I have to say that I believe every character he plays. No matter how bad I really think that character exist.

"Law Enforcer Droid"?!?!?!?! Was this on purpose!? "droid"?! I think they would never use that. They would call it the "iLaw". XD

Now playing

This is one side of the awesomeness of a good kicker. RC gets the bend more because of his raw power than the spin. The more velocity the ball gets the less it needs to spin to bend. At least with soccer balls. The most refined players can bend it like this but at much lower speeds. Both are good and require great

@cyphermagnum: I loled really bad!!!! You have the win of the day!!!

@Romple: Difference. In soccer you do it with your feet!!! :D