

No, of course not. Just look at the art style, hell, even the name.

This doesn't speak for everyone, of course, but a significant factor in music piracy is the audiophile or obsessive collector demographic.

No, the lives of, I don't know, A HUNDRED THOUSAND people are more valuable than one single insane criminal. How many fucking people has the Joker killed?

>given over to the authorities, ergo, the people didn't want him executed

And like I said, endless discursive sophistry is the end result of allowing the Joker to persist. Also, where did anyone ever say that the people of Gotham didn't want the Joker executed?

Isn't Batman supposed to be more grounded than all that crap?

Jesus Christ this perspective is so tiring.

>side scrolling roguelike

Didn't realize I stepped through a time portal into /v/ circa 2009.

Dude, I ***JUST*** said, the first thing I said, is that reviews of Kinect hardware do. not. matter. You can't do anything meaningful with a Kinect without Kinect games, and all the Kinect games aside from one basic template were garbage. That is a terrible track record for any console or peripheral. The games are not

I love butthurt internet people. Phil Fish is hilarious, and I've got enough of a thick skin to not take every perceived slight personally and lash out in the most obviously insecure manner possible. Lighten the fuck up, maybe, he's not out to get you, stop caring.

>well reviewed

>doesn't matter if it's good, that is not how success is measured

You sure can talk about the issue. Point out these mythical "good Kinect games that aren't Dance Central", because I'm curious. No, "software that did function" is not a synonym for "good".

Which is exactly what I said. Here, let me point it out for you:

If your metric for "huge success" is "a convincing marketing campaign" and not "software that properly functions in any space smaller and differently-lit than a suburban living room", you probably need to get your priorities in check.

Stocking kills Panty.

What are you talking about?

Which is, literally, exactly what I fucking said. The Jagex remake of Ace of Spades is a piece of shit. The guy I was responding to didn't know what he was talking about; not all games are commercial, and nor was the version of Ace of Spades anyone actually cares about, and which is genuinely still awesome.