Now playing

So that's what led up to this epic DS9 moment!

I like how Worf basically tells him to not be such a little bitch.

I would watch that movie.

I hope, if there is ever an openly gay lead, that the game is actually good. Simply creating the gay lead would be kind of a big feat in this day and age (kinda sad that it would be) but what good would it do if the game wasn't fun? Probably very little. The "gay issue" is divisive enough by itself that I'm sure any

To be fair it would have been dangerous to go alone, so thompson was right to take it.

Considering every time the topic comes up anywhere there are countless people saying that they categorically refuse to play as a gay character, yeah. Hell, I'd love to see stats of how many male/male relationships there were in ME/DA compared to the female/female or male/female. I'd be willing to bet a considerable

You are bad because you invaded their habitat then expect them all to just die because you think you are soooo important. Have you ever heard of sharing? I don't shoot every deer and squirrel that comes on my property. If everyone acted like you, there would be nothing left of this world. We, as a species, need the

Phutnick needs to get laid. only virgins are that angry and have nothing better to do then rage.

Oo! Oo! I have an idea! SHUT THE FUCK UP.

We aren't fighting over

hyperbole is the worst fucking thing ever.

Damn. You pissed him off.

Ugh, don't feed squirrels...even though that squirrel looks like an asshole and has no idea.

That doesn't invalidate their complaint, genius.

I prefer the Stan Lee is a disguise for a Watcher fan theory.

Any XB1 owner who thinks their version looks "just as good" isn't looking through their fanboygoggles, they're just blind.

smash brothers sucks.