Inarticulate Mountain
Inarticulate Mountain
Shush Mound
The only thing dirtier than the water
Tears be gone.
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
“...without the potential of an NFL career to suppress his behavior, Holtzclaw seemingly became a completely different person.”
I know, for once it wasn’t, “I’m sorry if the article offended anyone.” They actually straight up apologized for it being a horrible article.
That was actually a decent apology from the editor....
As far as I’m concerned, Elfman’s Batman piece is the single greatest Hero Theme ever written as it somehow manages to work in motifs that signal to nearly every aspect of what makes Batman great.
It’s bombastic and sweeping and operatic exactly when it needs to be, evokes a sense of intrigue and mystery, at times…
You will be.. Captain pat34us.
So finally we were like well, “What about Negasonic Teenage Warhead” and they said, “Negasonic, what-the-shit? That is the coolest name EVER!”
The fact that Deadpool must have been wearing that thing for the entire third act, including the whole ridiculous fight, is just amazing.
heh I loved the Jackman running gag so much. I took it as a subtle little dig at the need to have him show up in an X-flick, no matter what. lmao
There’s also the change that will (hopefully) come once Fox realizes you can showcase X-Men that aren’t Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, or fucking Mystique at the expense of so many other great characters. Fucking Deadpool nailed Colossus, and NTW was just the bomb (pun intended), and I would love to see an X-Men movie…
I can see it now. Flash is a funny character right? Lets have him tell 20 dick jokes in a row and then make a flippant one-liner while he strangles someone with their own intestines.
Hollywood will learn lessons from Deadpool’s deserved success — but they will inevitably be the wrong lessons.
nice what did you get
I paid 18 bucks for taco bell last week
Not having paid attention to this game at all, I’m surprised to find out after all this hype that it’s simply a game where you jump on enemies and over pits.