
I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

Wine truths! I think the line is asking what other people’s excuse is, like...I’m just here. Nothing about me requires an excuse. But sure, show off your six pack if you got one, I am impressed by hard work.

I have two kids and I’ve had to sit through Kobe’s last game for the past two hours so I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. The two aren’t connected but #1 gives me a right to have an opinion on this and #2 explains my attitude.

But is it more offensive to assume transgender people lack any sense of humor about their lives at all?

Right. I have an acquaitance who once said that if you go to a guy’s house who is clearly interested in you, you should expect to have sex with him, and I was like, hold the fucking phone. I’m 34 years old and have had sex with a lot of people, and I still expect things to generally progress from kissing, to hands and

And WTF with Abbs and the “well he CLEARLY wanted to have sex with you, duh you dumb bitch” cause you know, studying = drive to isolated area and rape. Natch.

“He had made no secret that he wanted sex with you”

I could not wrap my head around this - when someone tells you that whatever you are doing is physically hurting them, you stop doing what you are doing. This is a basic thing that we all learn as little kids. There was no break down of communication, he just ignored her.

What part of. “Stop, it hurts,” constitutes a breakdown in communication? And this whole, both parties made mistakes bullshit is sickening. This rapist doesn’t need a stern talk from his parents outside of, “when a girl\woman says no and, stop, you’re hurting me, take your fucking hands off of her and take some time

Um, he invited her over to study and then drove her to an isolated area? Yeah, that’s not predatory at all! Just a communication problem. smgdh

I told two of my close friends about what happened. One said he had essentially raped me. The other said it doesn’t count as rape because even though I said it hurt, I didn’t say it forcefully enough.

Yes, like the child she is.



Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

The cop thinks he's a tough guy because he's a cop, but in reality he lacks the skills to manage a 12 year old girl. Bravo Officer Toughguy! Bra-fucking-vo.

Yeah. Definitely rumors about that. But she’s also a pretty badass, independent chick that had a pretty rough childhood. IDK. This quote above is really self centered, but I love her.

Now playing

Anyone who shares a dissenting opinion about feminism is absolutely slaughtered in the media, on the web, at work, at home, and in life.

Reminder: when you say you are against feminism, then you are simply saying you do not believe women should be equal to men.

I love that his post about feminism ruining everything effectively ruined his career. That’s some pretty instant karma.