
Speculation: David Hayter is the new head of Konami and he's exacting his Revengeance.

Flawless gif usage.

This pisses me off. I was co-oping this with my boyfriend (I was playing Moira) and in that scene I kept looking for a prompt to grab that gun. WHEN YOU PLAY AS MOIRA THERE IS NO PROMPT. NOTHING TO INDICATE YOU HAVE ANY CONTROL WHATSOEVER. So now we're stuck with the "bad" ending? Fuck you, Capcom.

Didn't Scott also make a pro-life/anti-abortion game before FNAF?

What a horrible person.

Why do horrible people always look like bloated imps.

We played this at the last PAX, and I've got to say... it was a mess. Boring. Clunky. Just a total drain. Our interested were piqued by the art style but the entire thing was just not very good.

Definitely got PAX Pox (it was the flu, actually) a few years back. Felt a bit off waiting in line for the Omegathon, then spent the next week at home, completely miserable. Now I bring a tiny bottle of Purell with me to every convention. Being that sick for that long is the absolute worst.

It's not funny though? Do your fucking job. Leave your dumb bias at the door.

The world's cutest real heroes.

One person got up to ask why they didn't have a Gjallarhorn despite playing for over 700 hours. Hopson said that unfortunately, SOMEone had to end up being that unlucky.

Christie is trash.

A guy named Yolo Swaggins is waiting for a trend to die. Okay.

We barely get dressed up for work.

No one can replace Queen Jessica Lange. As an American Horror Story fan, just end the show.

Yes please. You had me at all of this.

What happened to this character?

Best Sierra Adventure Game?