
What happened to this character?

Best Sierra Adventure Game?

I know, right? Disappointed in his choice. :(

Excuse me, but I can masturbate to any of Danny Elfman's work.

Peter Bishop on Fringe had debt to Big Eddie. They brought him up multiple times as this huge threat, and then... nothing.


Please don't bring back Craig Kilborn.

Leonardo DiCaprisun

Yes. Boo.


Rand Paul literally looks like a sentient gym sock and I'm 100% done with his dumb ass.

Totally agree with you, but there's just something about the work he does in Beetlejuice that's classic.

Good for him, but his reasoning frustrates me.

Listen, we were all angsty teenage bags of emotions once. Liking her music is a phase people go through.

Side note: Beetlejuice is Danny Elfman's best score.

Check out the Avengers section (pages 36 - 44) of this Hasbro catalog. Not a single Black Widow or Scarlet Witch.

So... he actually looks like this, huh. That's a shame.

OMG you just murdered me.

I'd love to see one of these for Futurama.