
My dad was telling me that when he was growing up (probably in the 70s?) they used to put marijuana in pizza tomato sauce, and that's how he and his friends preferred to get high. I thought he was nuts. But, look at this. Look at this shit. It's real. I love you, dad.

That *other* Washington is always trying to take subtle jabs at the actual Washington. We've had enough, dammit!

$12.00/hour? But if they were open to hiring a woman they'd only have to pay $9.36/hour.

For some reason I just can't seem to get behind the character design for this game. It's exaggerated but not in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Alright, let's shut down comments. This one wins.

As someone who doesn't like Taylor Swift, this didn't seem "cringe worthy" at all. Calm down, Jez.

When was the last time there was this much mystery involved in a demo or game before? We're all rallying together to uncover the mysteries, sharing theories and play-throughs on game forums, etc. It's super awesome and I'm absolutely in love.

Been burned by this franchise too much to risk getting invested in this, unfortunately.

Remember when we used to get actual stuff for pre-ordering? My deck of Psychonauts playing cards remembers.

I know far too many smart people who go to this guy's church. I don't understand the appeal.

Pretty sure that middle offender is 45.

No Psychonauts? Seriously?



Oh my goodness. How ever will she recover?

I'm confused as to why the talk of videogame Kickstarter disappointments never mentions Massive Black's Zombie Playground. 2 years after being funded and they haven't delivered anything. Worth looking into. Lots of unhappy backers.

Which is a goddamned achievement, because she is the worst.

Hey Nate Hill, Terry Richardson called. He said that even he thinks your glasses are tacky.

...I feel like I've never seen worse animation. And that's saying a lot.

Oh, that's where Valve is? Super close to SuckerPunch.