Jonathan Hamilton

(which was actually not true; Captain Marvel takes places in 1995, two years after the ban on women combat fighters was lifted and the first female combat pilot Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) flew a mission in ’95)

Hi, native North Carolinian here.

You know what, I am just gonna say what we ARE all thinking here people!  I DO like a Pat Benatar ditty!  And I am not ashamed.

This is pretty disrespectful to the countless players who had their characters forced to act in a way contrary to how they’d done things. Particularly LGBTQA players who were blindsided into this.

It’s not a matter of offensive. It’s a matter of respecting players and their approaches. This plot point failed to do

The Living Death That Walks is not obscure!

Eat the rich. Kill them, grind them up and feed them to shelter animals

A friend lived in Dubai for a while for work. He told me about how rich people buy cubs/puppies/etc of endangered animals, and keep them as pets until they become adults and difficult to handle. Then they’re euthanized and replaced with new cubs/puppies/etc.

Why don’t you just let people enjoy things, and shut the fuck up?

This isn’t the Mandela effect, this is just you being wrong.

What, you guys have phones, right?

So being that hung over/still fucked up for a major (and, in her case, public) professional event is somehow not wildly unprofessional?

John, dude, your habit of hyphenating prefixes is driving me in-sane.

Counterpoint: fuck supporting these archaic institutions. Religions causes far more problems than they solve

I do think Trump has physical problems that would keep him from dodging a shoe, and I think your friend’s dad sounds like a condescending dickwad. 

Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.

I’m all for broad inclusion in topical discussions, but how exactly is Tumblr banning fucking and thus fucking itself a “video game” disappointment? Disappointing, sure, and still a fresh wound for many, but where’s the connection?

it’s not the taxes

Every single recommended story is “Stop preordering video games.” Every. Single. One.
That’s hilarious.

It’s Saving. Daylight Saving Time.