Jonathan Hamilton

if the children of the ‘80s were brought up with “accountability and responsibility” and it was the last decade that happened, why didn’t the accountable & responsible children of the ‘80s become parents who raised their own children with “accountability and responsibility”

You don’t get to call any other game “mid” if you played Metal Gear Survive. Your whole sense of taste is in question.

I regret to inform you that I have passed 40.

I’m 41. My first system was the Atari 5200.

what video game is in this in reference to please

what were the ‘80s like, grandpa

You do not have to engage with teenagers who think a little asset reuse makes a sequel “DLC.”

I think it’s very interesting that you talked yourself into paying $100 despite knowing that purchase did not compensate the workers who produced it any more than you paying $60 would have. Who do you think that benefits? It just tells the publisher that pigeons are willing to spend $100 instead of $60 with no change

Nintendo never presented Nintendo Power as anything but a house organ. There was nothing unethical about that.

You can just write “ratioed.” There’s nothing wrong with it. There’s nothing about the formation of the past tense or past participle that precludes throwing -ed onto the end of a word just because it happens to end in a vowel. Consider “radioed,” “shooed,” “taxied,” etc.

It’s especially bad when you compare it to Arkham Knight and see that this game has fewer visual effects than that.

Mirror’s Edge on Xbox looks even better today than it did when it was released. It was an Xbox One X Enhanced title that got 4K HDR rendering, and on Xbox Series consoles, it was part of the FPS Boost program, so it runs at 60 fps as well.

You’re thinking of Rust.


How exactly is now, when some chapters are unavailable because of a time limit that exists for no good reason, a good time to start this? I hadn’t heard of it before this story. I’d like to read it. I can’t read a third of it now. I will probably forget all about it tomorrow. There’s no way I’ll wind up buying it if

delete your bookmark

Please don’t give Ubisoft your money.

“Surprisingly well” is a bit of a stretch for 30 fps in my opinion.

Where did I say anything about “positive” details?

In the US, if you have Xbox Live Gold, Lost Odyssey is only $6.24. Not too much more!