Jonathan Hamilton

I don’t understand your point. “Discussing the positive notes minimizes the problems.” What does that have to do with including something about/from the performer?

Choke to death on a fucking brick.

It is weird that you didn’t even mention Stefanie Joosten, the actress who portrayed Quiet. You didn’t even name her, let alone source any kind of comment about what she thought of the role, how it impacted her life, etc.

I keep a Twitter list for people like that called “billionaire defense squad.”


I believe it’s shitty when you don’t offer an option for self-hosting a server, yes. If I could run a dedicated server program and have my friends connect to it by IP address or something, sure, shut down the official servers. But if I can’t do that, it’s shitty.

If your friend wanted handled P4 Golden, they should’ve bought a Vita.

“They should’ve sent a poet dentist!”

Wish you’d done sooner, cheers

I didn’t correct him. He said he had no idea how to describe it. I told him. Sure, that metaphorical use of skin is well understood and totally fine (and I said as much), but it’s simply called giving or getting five. Asked and answered.

I don’t know how you got that from what I posted.

It’s called giving/getting five, but getting skin is fine.

People have got to stop giving their time and money to these awful live service shitshows.

shut up coiner

No idea how you ever run out of gas when gas stations are marked on the map, camps can refill your tank, and every Nero site has at least one tank.

I thought it was shallow, and its politics are toothless.

“New Vegas in space” is giving The Outer Worlds a lot of credit it doesn’t deserve.

You’re an idiot. Not enough people in your life have told you that.

That's not what hat trick means.

Well, it’s not a Metroidvania.