Jonathan Hamilton

Avoid hovering in combat when you can, use Evade liberally, and don’t forget to use Shield. Also, don’t use all your energy using Launch to attack. Remember to save some for Shield, and burn through your ammo while your energy is recharging.

He does have a flute you can walk around playing.

It’s strapped tightly around her hips and her thigh. It’s very clear in the drawing.

fuck off

I asked on Twitter whether Constantine would speak Scouse and whether his name would be pronounced with a long I, and Maggs said yes to both. Can you confirm?

props for “free rein”

why would you want any of these creatures to live even one second more

Your physical copies are largely missing the ubiquitous day one patches and, in some cases, huge chunks of game content.

The game itself sounds cool (in the way that only board games can manage, where simply listing the premise and setting is enough to get people excited).

Certainly not if you’re playing solo.

The traced 3D model style is such a turn-off.

hell yeah OL’ DRIPPY

Why do your screenshots look like you just took a photo of the TV?

I don’t remember monster minions or scantily clad kunoichi in Bushido Blade.

*ships’ hyperdrive engines

*eke out

I like Better Call Saul, but both played the same characters in Breaking Bad, and it’s a little weird you didn’t say Breaking Bad.

The embedded Instagram post is a carousel. You can click through several pictures.

The embedded Instagram post is a carousel. You can click through a bunch of pics on it. I agree it sucks, though.

The only shape of Reese’s Cup is the cup. Everything else is a Reese’s Egg, a Reese’s Pumpkin, Reese’s Tree....