I’ve thought he was kinda creepy ever since he wrote this awful Fantastic Four story in 2004 featuring his self-insert character gushing over the Invisible Woman.
I’ve thought he was kinda creepy ever since he wrote this awful Fantastic Four story in 2004 featuring his self-insert character gushing over the Invisible Woman.
Since when is The Lord of the Rings a beloved movie of the 1980s?
To put it another different way, you can say Unity is the worst AC game (which I don’t agree with) because Origins isn’t really an AC game.
Didn’t stop Sega from launching the Saturn....
“It has been a weird and quiet year for video games this year”
I assume he means that KFC isn’t as good as jerk chicken.
They’re doing fine: https://www.kfcjamaica.com/locations
I have a working brain and am a husband, and I care about not using husband/wife, because it’s paternalistic horseshit that implies I lead and my wife should follow. And that isn’t the case. We are partners.
Dude, I swear to God, when Kazunori Yamauchi came on screen, I thought he was a CG model about to step into a car and drive off to show off the graphics.
Neat, thanks!
I tried to find a working example, but the sliders in previous articles don’t seem to be working anymore. :/
What happened to the comparison pics y’all used to post where you could drag the slider in the middle to see more of either image? That would be cool to see here.
Most people who visit video gaming websites are really grating, so they see themselves in him.
fuck off
Don’t get bent out of shape. Kotaku has had disdain for the Vita for years. They ain’t got any damn taste over here.
You absolutely can. Every PS4 game can be played with Remote Play on a Vita.
These are so cool!
If I was this dude, I’d be a little annoyed at being described as “Hideo Kojima’s longtime producer” without even being named in a headline about me. Why not “Report: Kojima Productions co-founder Ken Imaizumi joins Tencent”?
“through the wringer”
You can’t swap the net you used to catch a bug for the bug.