
I’m cautiously interested in MacGyver and Lethal Weapon. Still trying to figure out if Mac is a reboot or a continuation, though either way, it would be fun to have his ‘dad’ be played by RDA.

A revealing line from the trailer: “Are you really H.G. Wells?”

I’m still trying to figure out how you can do a series about RHPS and it not get old after 3 episodes... but that’s just me.

No need to appologise.

Phone markup is outrageous, and really I don’t know why people are willing to pay it, other than narcissim and that the products are designd with a built-in done-by date, meaning after a year or so, many are unable to function beyond the basic phone/text use as to be no better than your old-fashioned Nokia flip phone.

Except so many people complain about tipping servers in restaurants, you think any would actually tip a dealer? I mean unless it was a regulated percentage on the ‘cost’ price. I know more than a few people who think tipping at all in a restaurant is unfair, and at best might leave 5%. I hate dining with those people.

Difference between buying a TV and a car is generally, you aren’t negotiating the price on the TV (yes there are stores that do this, more that don’t). So, when you go to spend $2000 on a tv, you already know to look at a $1600-1800 product. However, if I am going to spend $25,000 tops on a car and we’re haggling on

What? If you have a price and they want $300 more and you’re willing to walk, then so be it. The dealer is the one who has lost the sale, not you because you were willing to walk. Best advice ever given to me was always be willing to walk away from a purchase if you don’t like the price. There are other things just

Worth the road trip home if you ask me.

Is that seriously a thing? As in there is a law on the books stating a person residing in California cannot purchase a car from an out-of-state dealer? If that is true, that is a real racket.

These tend to go for around $10,000+ and are readily available anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, and often see them driving on rural roads at posted speed. Whenever I see people whinge about crash safety of older cars or in third-world markets, I often wonder how many of them also rip around in one of these on the

1st Gear. Why is this a thing? Seriously, we’re talking 1-2mpg, which GM is acknowledging is a misprint. Further, it is an ‘estimated’ rating, meaning, it might get that, it probably won’t. Probably the most appropriate case of the phrase “your mileage may vary” there ever was. And though not shocking that there is

I would truly be impressed watching someone successfully get out of that space without even a love tap. All I can see happening there is

I would heavily question them being reliable. In theory, they make sense. In reality, they are at best meh, at worst “ahhhhh, what is that noise... oh no, oh no, the engine is rev’ing higher yet we’re slowing down.... ahahahahah!”

Well, let’s be realistic here. Any worth-while First Aid Kit isn’t going to fit in a center console, except maybe that massive disorganized trough that is in a Tesla Model S. And honestly, it can be kept in your trunk or under the passenger seat. You shouldn’t have any issue with storing pens/pencils and a 4x6 notepad

I’ve read a lot of complaining lately about center consoles not having enough space. It makes me wonder, what is it you need all that space for? This excuse of the ‘need’ for more space has been used to rationalize the (IMO) dumb shift levers you see in cars today, from Audi to Chrysler to Mercedes Benz to the

I will admit to being less than enthused about this movie when it was first announced in it’s current form, for two reasons: McCarthy and it being a reboot.

What CBS show is Leblanc going to be on? Because the only show I know he’s staring on at the moment is New New Top Gear, which comes out on Monday, and I’m pretty sure CBS isn’t carrying that.

Apparently it is just me, but I read his comment as *sarcasm*. But, I could be wrong, this is the internet.....