
Went to her FB post to see what the fuss was about, and I still don’t get what the obviously jealous and bodily insecure managers were so upset about. Outside of being tight (which is defacto standard in the gym) the top isn’t revealing at all. Her yoga-pants probably show more through-the-cloth cleavage than her top

Maybe, if Fox could some how come up with a sum equal to the value of the U.S. debt, and multiply that by a factor of about 1,000,000. Everyone has their price, that would be mine. To think about it. Maybe.

I agree. And sadly if they were to actually say “Forget him, there is no way I will support him, even to the bitter end” they would be tared and feathered for it because the only thing worse than Trump is another Democrate in the White House, even if that Dem is about as Republican as they come. It is unfortunate that

Thing is, Fox would get so much more in the way of ratings (and thus money) if they just let someone totally tear Trump a new one and continue to do it, and not just poke him with a stick, but burn him with a flame-thrower. Essentially the Howard Stern effect, where so many hate what he does on his show, but continue

I understand what you are arguing, I am just saying that the entire premise is wrong. Yours is an either/or assumption, and that an equal marriage means that ALL the benefits of a marriage that a man gets evaporate/become non-existent. Under you’re math, they are basically roommates, and fend for themselves and look

I can somewhat understand some compensation if you failed to meet the goals set for you. To outright rig the game, break the law and cover it up? Nope - no compensation - bury you with your indiscretions.

I won’t disagree that a boss might see a married person as being more responsible (that is generally true of how most people think - the reality isn’t totally true). Some bosses, who are obsessed with the idea of “family values” may promote some married men more than single men, but if a boss is evaluating potential

That argument makes zero sense. The “benefits” men gain in being married would still exist if all things were equal - men would still have better health due to spouse/family being incentive to live healthier and eat better and generally take better care of himself, his apparent increase in wealth would still occur

Yes, but not like those haven’t been broken before. I’m sure somewhere within that contract are clauses about making the company look bad which could be a means of giving said executive squat. At least, if their lawyers are worth their hourly rate they’d be able to push that angle.

That’s the way I see it. Sign a form, have it notarized and done. If you want to go through the pomp and circumstance (and let’s face it, it is the party afterwards that people are mostly there for because it usually is great fun) of the in-public declaration, then opt to do so. As well, I think it should be a

It boggles my mind as to why, if you quit or are fired as an executive in a corporation like VW, you still get your bonuses or any other benefits. This is further made unacceptable when laws were broken in the process. I’m sure there are some contractual obligations, but frankly so what? You screwed up, you got

Call me old fashioned, but I think that if there are to be legal protections extended to a partner, there should be a legal document to go with it. Simply co-habitating for a period of time to me shouldn’t be enough of a litmus test to say “okay, we’re a couple and should get the same benefits as people who signed a

You forgot about the part where if marriage became equal, men would stop getting married because they’d no longer get anything out of it. Still trying to figure that part out, other than to chalk it up to the idea that men can only function if they are dominant over women, and if they can’t be then they have no reason

I agree with the idea of being determined in your job and taking better care of yourself, but as far as getting ahead in your career, marriage is a detriment to that if you value your family equally or more than your job. Having a family gets in the way of advancement that requires more working hours and greater

You’re speculating. If in a perfect world there is equality in marriage (that is, all benefits and detractions are shared equally between spouses), how is it that men suddenly get ‘nothing out of it’ and thus won’t get married anymore? Your premise seems to be predicated on the idea that the only reason a man would

That kind of IS the point - to make a public declaration that you are committing to another person. It is a statement that you’ve finished looking for someone you (hopefully) want to share life with. That you find it “sentimental and pointless crap” kind of shows you don’t think that is of any value, which is your

Care to back up the ‘to the detriment of their spouses” part? I’ve heard of the purported mythology of married men being healthier than unmarried men (not the wealthier part - that seems counterintuitive). Haven’t heard of it being detrimental to women’s health. In fact, generally I’ve read women tend to live longer

From that angle, it looks so happy though

I don’t need much self reflection to know why I’m being a judgemental asshole about this whole thing - because I think these people are nuts, and the doctors who got on board with this should have their medical licenses stripped and be forced to support the three in this family until they are dead or broke. It isn’t