
I enjoyed Force Awakens as well, but am dismayed at his Trek attempts. I chalk it up to what he was a fan of - he has admitted he didn’t “get” Trek. But all the footage leading up to Star Wars - you knew he was a fan and wanted to keep things tight, and that fanservice showed in the product.

I was fine with the alternate time-line. It was how JJ went on to waste that opportunity for story telling and just give us scene after scene of absurd WTF that bugs me.

I also didn’t get why they made him mute - not a big follower of Deadpool to begin with but that part made zero sense to me as I knew he was a wise-ass.

I’m curious to see how you came to this conclusion of Picard not being Captain? Simply because of the new timeline? Not that I’m a JJ fan.... though his movies have made huge coin, they were a huge wasted opportunity and sometimes I think they just threw words on a page and hope they stuck and if not.... LENSE FLARE!!!

Okay, so you don’t like Ryan. Fair enough, everyone is entitled to an opinion and I’m sure there are a number of actors/movies you like that I think aren’t worth it. I could probably write an equally long blog post about how much Melissa McCarthy ruins my movie going experience every film I see her in and why she is

I’ll disagree with you. Yes, ClarksonTG wasn’t a analyical car-review show as Fifth Gear is, but it wasn’t all about banter either. It was about the cars, often derogatory comments about those cars, challenges involving cars and fantastic filmography. In that regard, the two shows aren’t comparable, because one is

Knock a zero off that price and that might make sense. Were I able to afford/have the skills/have the space to work on this it would be an interesting project, but (and cover your ears at the shreaks of the classic Ferrari-aficiandos) I wouldn’t bother worrying about restoring the car to it’s “original” state al-la

Neutral - all 3 are to blame. ZF and Chrysler (as well as all other companies that use similar electronic levers like these) because of poor design. Nearly a century of design has had a leaver be at the selected gear so that you could actually see the lever at a different angle depending on if it was in Park, Reverse,

Only thing about that picture is that the car is wrong - should have used a 70's Australian Ford Falcon coupe, similar to this one

There’s a line though. Certainly clothing shouldn’t be uncomfortable, but on the flip side one doesn’t want employees dressed like it’s Saturday afternoon. As well, plants often have tours that go through (suppliers, vendors looking to supply, managers showing off) so having everyone dressed in a presentable fashion

Last generation 4runner that looked good was the 2002 model.

So as I understand the new way of things to be soon, the new Acadia and an as-yet unnamed Cadillac model (or maybe it is the XT-5?) will share this new down-sized platform, where as the all-new Traverse and Enclave will stay the same size on a new/heaviliy revised verson of the current Lambda platform. The next

What I find interesting is that it is Toyota corporate that is having to pay this fine, not the dealers that were the ones screwing the customers. Toyota’s interaction with this situation is very arms-length at best, and while the dealer is a Toyota representative (as far as a franchisee) Toyota can’t control what

There have been studies that have shown how one dresses will reflect on how well they work. If you’re dressed like you’re going to be sitting on the couch on Saturday, you’re probably going to work like that as well.

I get the sense dealer stickers/plate surrounds are a lot larger in some places than others. I think the sticker on my car is maybe 1"x2.5"?

... or we really don’t care, and have better things to do than worry about something that is really meaningless (unless it is 3" lettering... that is excessive I will admit). I do enough on my car, but I can care less. Dealer isn’t local to me anyway. Also, I have never bought a new car (yeah, I’m one of “those” guys

Over the top much? You don’t care about the car because it has a dealer sticker on it? How is that at all relevant to car care? You make it sound like he’s taking a hot dump on the hood and leaving it there.

That is some dedication by the detailing guy. I’m amazed at all the trouble dealers seem to go to to do that.

Really? I’ve seen the UAW stickers in windows of lots of cars, mostly Fords to be honest.

I’ve found the rage about dealer stickers and plate surrounds totally hilarious on here. Seriously you find it that big of an imposition? And, as you say if it is such a big deal then grab a razor blade and a wrench and remove them. However, I have to think of two things - 1) if you had such a difficult time with the