
with the tax, that $100,000 car becomes a $280,000 car. Based on the drop in consumer demand, I’d say that yes they do indeed need the tax breaks.

Finally, someone who knows how to read an income statement. Operating margins are surprisingly good here. It’s the margins for the entire business where it’s losing, which is to be expected of a growth-focussed startup.

Especially the countries that have state-run healthcare & polution problems.

Listen kehd, we can fawkin’ write just as good as anybahdy. And tha yankees fawkin suck..

100% exactly what I was going to say. I was getting a super Daewoo vibe

Can we get a dedicated post about this? I’m fascinated to learn about it.


“Insert other meat here”.

Biker groups are largely responsible for the installation of bike lanes and other safety efforts in Boston, and I would assume many other communities. Unfortunately some bikers take it too far and act like total douchebags. Actually, douchebags are cleaner and more useful. So, like used douchebags.

So how deep do you pour the foundation? How deep do you stick the ends into the foundation? How thick should the walls of the pipe be? How high should the pipe be so that the truck doesn't drive under or over the pipe? There are a ton of questions that go into the design and testing. The Government paid to get answers

Progress doesn't happen all at once.

"She's a knockoff Frank Gehry"? How could anyone ever confuse a Zaha Hadid for Frank Gehry?

@Nexus NYC - Google Spreadsheets lacks a lot of functionality as compared to Excell. If you need advanced statistical analysis you're SOL.