
This is a good comment.

I'm happy for this only because it will probably be the basis for an insane chapter of a new Irvine Welsh book #Hibs

It’s funny that the Phillips play happened right after this. MLB guys reading the comments section during games, smh.

Maybe there’s some baseball rules geeks that can clear this up for me- this type of play is legal, bluffing a catch in the OF is legal, but I’m pretty sure that if you fake RECEIVING a throw and/or apply a fake tag, that’s ILLEGAL. Right?


Ron later issued a Mea Culpa.

Right if you didn't know any better you'd say they were in on the joke...

Haha nope, sorry.

Ha! Not quite. I wrestled in New England, parts of NY and NJ.

Yes, the most give is in the middle, which is why most bumps are taken there (although there's been a trend to take bumps closer to the corners). The ring gets progressively stiffer the further from the middle you get (though every ring bumps different).

Tough spot for Gotch afterwards- he has no idea if Enzo is just selling the shit out of something or not.

It’s possible. I should clarify my earlier comment, Enzo’s gotta know where he is in the ring too, so it’s not all on Gotch.

I was hoping this was a really well done work on the first view, but after seeing it a few times I’m just hoping he’s ok.

You don’t know Shank very well. He’d be 1000% complaining if that were to happen. Anything that makes people happy, he's against.

I have a 12 year old son and he never stops farting. Did I fart this much when I was 12?

Or elect him Captain of the All Star team, based on recent events.

NHL and WHL?

Your wife sounds fun. Is she single?

You sure you don’t need me to mail the Walpole police a $5 check before you confirm?

Gotta agree with Marchman here, there’s literally no difference between being skeptical about a story and running a story painting a guy as a lying sack of shit. That’s journalism 101 bro, duh.