
Hope Solo was a bridesmaid.

Neither Skinny Paul Giamitti nor dumpy looking camera guy look very excited to share.

Ball won't pry.

This past March I was broadcasting a HS Playoff basketball game , game went to OT, visiting team (the one in our coverage area) pulls ahead in OT by about 8.

My in laws are all die hard Isles fans- Brother in law texts: "I'm not going to BK", although from what I understand, a meal at Burger King is much healthier than spending 5 minutes in the Coliseum.

Now playing

It all started when Saskatoon refused to stand for the Anthem of Regina...

The overuse of ellipses is what makes it. Every e-mail I get from my father or insane right wing Aunt is a giant run on sentence.... sprinkled with these.... to make it seem profound................

She reports that Panthers owner Jerry Richardson and Jets owner Woody Johnson woke up Tuesday more prepared than ever to play hardball... Conversely, a faction of owners led by the Giants' John Mara and the Patriots' Robert Kraft believed that the public uproar was actually, you know, bad for the league.

You're right- it's spelled Rmoney

Oh, sure, NOW they pay attention to a suspicious package.


I'm rooting for Ilene.

Also, The Long Walk is the best Stephen King novel ever written. You're wrong if you disagree.

Bob Papa was reportedly asked through song to discontinue his "Holier than Thou" admonishments of the officials.

A bunch of Sabermatricians were trying to find the causation to this, but they could see no reasons. Perhaps because there are no reasons?

Thanks Owen! You Rocked- here's the logo for our show. As you might imagine, we're very video game friendly.

I bet you thought that wasn't a hand ball.

Aren't you a little young to be writing parody songs?

And wait, is that Marty Brenneman, who practically shit his pants in anger when Manny Ramierez stared at a home run for 2 seconds in the 2003 ALDS?

I, for one, am looking forward to the 6 minute Bob Costas diatribe against this sort of thing.