

If this happened to Bosh, he'd still be laying there.

Unlike Drew, D Cells will work when they're not 100%.

And what about those clowns in congress?

The bible quoting white kid should really bring a new demographic of fans.

John Gosselin knows how this guy feels.

... The Aristocrats?

Hole. Lee. Shit.

"Here's the analysis done by Stephen Abbott and Matt Richey of St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn."

The problem isn't mice that tweet- it's the ones that won't stop re-tweeting. I get it, @shittingtonUK is funny.

Speaking of the Dodgers, (we weren't?) does anyone know why the dude from stopped updating?

@A-Rods Lover: Was this before or after you celebrated beating up some fairies by doing donuts in your Trans Am?

Actually, Dandy Don didn't have time to get into his grave before having to roll in it listening to Jaws & Gruden.

@Body By Bacardi: If only there were a way to send video blogs! Through some sort of.... I dunno, electronic mail or something!

I can't believe it's this close. He's getting blown by a dog!

Guess he couldn't fit the "RT:@SI_PeterKing @KidHavinFun4 " in the tweet.


SNAFU was seen dropping rocks into his skull.

According to Bleacher Report, the Mississippi State players are expected to live.