I just started following @veryfakeBR on twitter- it's fantastic.
I just started following @veryfakeBR on twitter- it's fantastic.
@92BuickLeSabre: Since I'm below the line, let me point out that this never would've happened if they had just gone to Hamsterdam like everyone else.
"Pannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndemic! I got that Pannnnnnnnnnnnnnnndemic!"
Worst commercial ever.
Lebron is just relieved that Delonte's hitting something other than his mom.
He's like the anti Keith Jackson
He didn't build the Libyans a bomb- he filled a bomb casing with used pinball machine parts.
"We've all been there: Playing Bulls versus Blazers on SNES"
Damn, I was hoping his name was Randall Stevens.
@Desi_Relaford: Saw him at the Blue Jays opener in '05 do the Star Spangled Banner, and O, Canada.
It's all part of the plan to bring a championship to Cleveland- their "Finals Solution".
"All individual awards," Joe Morgan says, "are team awards."
My eyes need a shower.
To be fair, have you SEEN those iCarly dolls?
@Hit Bull Win Steak: Because fuck the Colts, that's why.
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: beat me to it you magnifcant bastard
*Slow Clap*
Roger Sterling is a ghostwriter now?