
Unfortunately, they also get nothing but Martha Coakley ads on the radio (and, in theroy, TV)

Dan Deirdorf is using halftime to physically fellate Manning, since he's running out of ways to do it verbally.

We all knew Will was a Buzzsaw guy, I had no idea The Emeritus was a Vols fan- he's really let himself go to hell.

2004 ALCS Game 5. In the bleachers, everyone standing and screaming for 6 straight hours.

She's from Sanford, ME. Not the first time she's been puked on.

You'd think Tony would've won more WWF matches, being on HGH.

The Bears should be relegated to the CFL after not covering 9 at home against the Rams. They don't just suck, they suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

@Matt Gagliardi: That works out until your wife wants to know why you get 39 texts a day from "Dominos Pizza"

11. Did your mother turn into a goddamned Macy's day balloon at the age of 38? Because as much as I love you, I won't if you get fat.

Are we allowed to recognize that Cutler is an over-hyped, just average QB yet? No?

Mark Chmura would like you all to know that he was just trying to get an ad deal with Jagermeister that night. #advertising

Peter- ok, this question is legit- do political subjects ever come up at NBC? I'd like to hear the discussion between Dungy and Olberman Re: Gay rights. #peterking

Peter- is there any truth to the rumor that you're not here because Drew Margary has intimidated you into pissing the shit out of yourself? #peterking