Friend of Llama

I'm a huge softie, always making excuses for everyone, but I saw this clip and I just think I'm kinda done with Joan Rivers. I watched her documentary and really loved her after it. I kept seeing and hearing shit she was saying and it made me cringe but I hung in there. I want to keep loving her so much because she

It's the perfect length to watch 30 sec, have a chuckle then go "fuck it!" And press play all over again.

Your comment reminds me of when I was talking to my mum and we were speculating whether it was time for her to give my younger sister a talk about safe sex (in hindsight, it was well overdue) and I said something like "I think you should talk to her, her best friend is having sex with her boyfriend" and my mum, in her

I'm just a big grump this week but that sausage dog video MADE MY DAY.

Yeah, it's awful. Before I even clicked on the story I took one look at that picture and felt so sorry for that woman. She just looks devastated.

Shit. I'm almost 30 and was approaching the "will we have kids chat" with the fella but considering I still get a bit upset and ask for my gran when I vomit (from non alcoholic causes) I might put it off for another birthday or two.

I can highly recommend vomiting in Japan at Disney world, Tokyo. I took a school trip there once and a student was sick in the street and in the time it took me to say "oh no" and look in my bag for a tissue, three or four employees came out of nowhere to clean up the vomit and give her a bottle of water. It was

Ha! Well, I'm Australian so in my accent it DOES NOT sound fancy. Also, I'm in a one bedroom apartment and looking around, what I just referred to as the "lounge" could also be described as "the other room in our home that is not the bathroom or bedroom". I have been known to refer to my (tiny) balcony with two pot

Yes! Go you! I get the GOOP emails, they are a welcome distraction from the daily grind and I saw Coldplay live and they were ace.

Thank you, it means a lot. My creativity is not appreciated in this house.

I'm sadly not in Paris but on those recommendations I can be! That is really helpful, thank you. I have some friends and family come visit so I take them to Paris and I don't know my way out of the tourist traps and get a bit bummed if the food isn't as good as it is in the region I'm from. Also, that sounds like a

I'm a big fan of eating everything in the house just before I come to bed and my boyfriend gets up before me to go to work. At least once a month I am woken up by a string of frantic swear words (which I can't identify because he speaks French) it gives me the shock of my life until I realise I ate a third of a jar of

Ah, he is a bit hit and miss. Somedays we'll both be home and I'll speak to him and ask him a question only to be met with complete silence. After ignoring me for what feels like ages I'll finally get his attention and he'll calmly ask "oh, were you talking to me?" Which I usually respond with "NO. I was engaging with

I gasped too and my boyfriend ran into the lounge thinking I was injured.

I know, right!

I loved cocaine but your comment just made me realise the two periods of my life that have involved cocaine have both involved asshole boyfriends with massive egos that provided the coke. I mean, it seems so obvious now but damn!

I moved to France about six months ago and in my first month or so, on two separate occasions, when I met some people for lunch and we were throwing out options subway came up. I was all "fuuuuuuck no! No way in hell am I walking past at least 15 places I know will blow my mind to eat subway" and everyone reacts like

I feel ya... "I am poor and have no friends" describes my financial and social situations too. I don't need friends or riches to drink cheap wine and blast some BSB tonight though so that's what I'll be doing.

I feel like I start every post like this so I'll make it the last time... I love in Europe (ok, got that out) and the biggest shock is no one wears gloves at all. If your order a baguette, it will be picked up and wrapped in paper by the same person who was sweeping the floor when you walked in and who you just saw

Oh my gosh! Your description is eerily similar to my parents.