Taryn smells (good)

CF messes with all the mucus membranes in the body, so a lot dudes with CF are “shooting blanks” and unable to conceive

As a Youth™ who uses swiping apps occasionally, it is incredibly painful, but that might just be because I’m moderately awkward, generally anti-social, and incredibly queer.

When LGBTQ+ people are no longer being widely under/misrepresented and being oppressed? Like I do GAF because I’m queer and 12 year old me would have really benefited from seeing positive queer representation at a young age other than literally just Ellen. Also how are going to say that a person being trans doesn’t

Exactly, like there have always been shippers. People wanted Scully and Mulder to be together, people wanted Laurie and Jo from Little Women to be together. It’s literally a phenomenon as old as the concept of romantic love.

I love Rag Tag Box for it’s fun subversive kits. I was so proud of the uterus one because it was the first thing I kind of designed on my own. I used a uterus pattern I bought on Etsy and combined it with a free font to design the lettering.

Oo my hands down favorite in middle school was definitely Maximum Ride by James Patterson (only the original trilogy counts). It was an early arriver to the trendy/edgy young adult novels, so it doesn’t contain as many of the intense cliches but it is certainly not perfect.

Hi, I also take BC for intense depression around my period! My PMS would start two weeks before my period and I would not be able to do anything during that time. The way my RN described how the BC would help me is that it seemed that I was very sensitive to the hormone progesterone which is released at the end of the

I’m working on a St. Patrick’s Day themed cross stitch from Rag Tag Box even though it’s already late. I love how the little four leaf clovers look and I’m definitely going to have to borrow them for a later design. My favorite completed project is this uterus cross stitch I made for my sorority’s White Elephant gift

Wow I was literally going to comment that modern domestic sheep are to like wild rams what shih tzus are to wolves but now I’m just sad :(

Elayne Angel is literally one of the most famous piercers ever who was especially well known/respected like 10-15 years ago, probs when Lenny was pierced. It’s pretty hidden by that glorious bush, but it looks like it’s right where his dick hits his body where there is normally kind of folds happening.

Literally what I came here to say. She came forward and basically was like "we dated when we were little kids and this is real weird"

Ah, I get you.

Sorry, but genitals are gross, the same way mouths are gross and bellybuttons are gross. Sure, mouths are awesome for sex and talking and eating and feeding your toddler like a baby bird if you choose to do so, but they get thrush and tonsil stones and I personally have a reservoir of bacteria on the back of my tongue

I had a similar knee-jerk reaction to this, but I think at least part of the author's point was that these methods were gentler and therefore didn't lead to the constant cycle of BV to yeast infection to BV etc. I totally agree that the whole holistic bullshit goes too far, but I think it's not like she was advocating

Wasn't that a woman who had a severely deviated septum, though? I feel like in context it made sense, because her nose had been broken multiple times and she got sinus headaches all the time.

This hits home for me right now, I have a paternal aunt who is undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer (last chemo treatment super soon, she responded well to treatment, so yay!) and she tested positive for the BRCA gene. My dad has to get tested before my sister or I will be, since it would be unnecessary if he's

Ha, mine is not even really funny but goddammit this is the first time I've seen a thread that gave me an opportunity to share this clusterfuck.

I *love* renovation shows like Love It or List It, but I agree the drama is disgusting. I've recently fell in love with Rehab Addict because it seems particularly unstaged, and as my sister said, "She can renovate a kitchen for less than 30000 fucking dollars, unlike the lady from Love It or List It."

My opinion is that appeals to girls because it combines princesses with superpowers. Like Rapunzel, she has magic hair, whatever that's kind of hard to incorporate into pretend. Elsa, however, could hold her own in a fight against Spiderman, while still being pretty.

I mean, I'm all for sexuality and erotic images, but I think that the way that AA tends to present their images with just parts of women (i.e. just the ass in the above shot) is a really problematic example of objectification. There are other images that I'm alright with that show women as sexual beings who seem into